Hotel Camp Fallujah

September 30, 2007

You gotta love these videos from our Troops. This video shows, that despite the things they’re encountering in Iraq, they still manage to hang on to their sense of humor. I must say, that whoever the vocalist is, that he should continue singing, because he does a pretty good rendition of Hotel California.


3 Responses to “Hotel Camp Fallujah”

  1. Yewdal.Com » Hotel Camp Fallujah on September 30th, 2007 9:38 am

    [...] wrote an interesting post today on Hotel Camp FallujahHere’s a quick [...]

  2. Connecting News, Commentaries and Blogs at - on October 19th, 2007 7:07 am

    [...] about at Hotel Camp Fallujah - a soldier’s mind, - Last Updated - 2 minutes ago    Follow This Story   Change Your [...]

  3. Barbarian on May 2nd, 2008 2:04 pm

    It’s a good song…however I’d like to point out that the guys who made this video were not at Camp Fallujah nor did they write the song. The members who created this video are part of Able Co. 2/136 CAB of the Minnesota National Guard who were based out of Camp Taqqadum. While I know alot of those guys personally and they did do a great job in Iraq, those of us in their sister company Bravo…the company that actually was stationed at Camp Fallujah….are slightly miffed that they highjacked our song. That is all.

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