Update On Marcus Luttrell Appearances

August 16, 2007

I just received an email from Hatchett Book Group, the parent group of Little Brown Books, that published Marcus Luttrell’s book, Lone Survivor: The Eyewittness Account Of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10, with more appearance dates for Marcus. At this time, it looks like there aren’t any book signings scheduled, but several appearances that you might want to make note of. This is what the Little Brown Publicity Department has announced.

A few more NATIONAL hits for LONE SURVIVOR!

8/16 – “FOX ACROSS AMERICA” Live Radio

8/20 – “O’Reilly Factor” on FOX-TV

8/20 – Live Webcast on ABC News.com

8/24 – Boxed Profile in People magazine

Note: we are still waiting on an air date for CBN’s 700 Club segment and

we are very close to confirming a segment on ABC’s “Nightline”

Stay tuned!

As I get more updates, I’ll post them here for everyone.


49 Responses to “Update On Marcus Luttrell Appearances”

  1. Haole Wahine on August 16th, 2007 3:30 pm

    Okay I know Terri was just making sure I was checking in on the blog.

    There is at least one confirmed book signing.

    The TEXAS Book Festival Nov 3 & 4.

    There will be an hour of interview with Marcus, and then it’s off to the tent to meet and greet Marcus, personally. The place for all those hand shakes, and hugs. He does a wonderful job with those hugs! and of course the hand shakes.

    Don’t forget to let us know if you want information for the BBQ, no I’m still not cooking, for Nov 3 in the Austin Area.

  2. on September 14th, 2007 10:17 pm

    I have attached a great link to Marcus Luttrell’s CBN/700 Club interview.

    Reply -
  3. Terri on September 15th, 2007 5:45 am

    Thank you SO much Vinnie. I’ll make sure to check it out.

  4. Russ Moore on October 10th, 2007 12:30 pm

    Do you have any contact info for Marcus? I’d like to invite him to a police conf. in May 2008



  5. Terri on October 10th, 2007 3:29 pm

    Mr. Moore, thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind and thank you so much for the work you do to keep our communities safe. You can write to Marcus via his publisher at the below address:

    Marcus Luttrell
    c/o Little, Brown and Company
    237 Park Ave
    New York, NY 10017

  6. John on October 16th, 2007 7:25 pm

    does anyone have an email adress for Marcus because i would like to ask him to assit me with training to become a Navy SEAL

  7. Terri on October 16th, 2007 7:50 pm

    John, my suggestion is to contact Marcus through his publisher. The address is listed above your comment.

  8. John on October 16th, 2007 7:51 pm

    okay thanks very much.

  9. Terri on October 16th, 2007 7:53 pm

    You’re welcome. Have you read Marcus’s book? He goes into pretty good detail about what he did to train to become a SEAL, as well as details the training itself.

  10. John on October 17th, 2007 9:24 am

    i have read bits and pieces of his book. but have not had the time to read the entire book due to school and sports.

  11. Terri on October 17th, 2007 11:19 am

    I recommend reading it. Not only does he give you some insight in what the training entails, but it’s a fantastic book and should be a MUST READ for everyone.

  12. John on October 17th, 2007 5:20 pm

    The next time i have a chance i will pick the book up. But i remember seeing an interview with Marcus and recall him saying he would assit anyone who asked him if they wanted to be a Navy SEAL and are serious about doing it. I have wanted to be a Navy SEAL since i was 10 years old and watched the Towers fall and my Dad disappear to ground zero for 5 month.

  13. Terri on October 17th, 2007 5:26 pm

    I think you’ll be pleased that you did John. It’s a great book and a fantastic tribute to the Fallen Warriors of SEAL Team 10 and Operation Redwing. Hopefully you’ll hear something back by contacting him through the publisher.

  14. Sheri on October 24th, 2007 2:24 pm

    I Just finished reading Lone Survivor and would love to get the book autographed - any idea of any appearances? I agree with Marcus Luttrell’s feelings (get the media out and give the military free reign without fear of prosecution)and have recommended this book to many people!

  15. Terri on October 24th, 2007 2:51 pm

    The next appearance that I’m aware of Sheri is at the Texas Book Festival in Austin on November 3rd. I’m not aware of any after that.

  16. Sheri on October 24th, 2007 3:07 pm

    Do you have any details on this festival (ie. when, where, etc) or where I could go to get details?

  17. Terri on October 24th, 2007 3:11 pm

    Sheri, here’s the link to the article we posted about his appearance at the Book Festival. In the article is the link to the Texas Book Festival webpage.


  18. Sharon Reinhardt on November 21st, 2007 12:57 pm

    Will Marcus Luttrell be in the Ct Area in the future. Would love him to sign my book. Planning on buying it for each of my boys. He’s a true Hero and I also believe in his feeling about the media. Let the Armed Forces do their job the way they are supposed to - We are there to win and anything it takes. My son is in Iraq also and they should all be given the support they deserve. Sincerely Sharon

  19. Kelly on November 29th, 2007 1:32 pm

    Will Marcus be doing any book signings for Christmas?

  20. Terri on November 29th, 2007 2:00 pm

    Kelly, I’m not aware of any book signings that Marcus has scheduled before Christmas.

  21. Dylan on January 10th, 2008 8:53 pm

    I have really enjoyed his book, I really want to meet him do you know of any appearances.

  22. Nicholas La Carra on January 14th, 2008 6:16 pm

    Mr. Marcus Luttrell,
    I am 16 years old and I just finished reading your book. It was one of the best books i have ever read. Thank you for everything that you have done.

  23. Bradon Grondel on March 17th, 2008 9:41 pm

    Do you know any times when he might be coming to Washington State?
    This is an AMAZING book!!!
    I cannot express my gratitude enough for those Very Honorable Men.

  24. John Berberich on March 18th, 2008 1:12 am

    Mr. Luttrell,
    A friend I work with lent me your book to read. What you did in combat and more importantly the fact that you lived to tell the families what happened has had more of an impact on me than you will ever know. My son was killed in Iraq on 9-11-05. Being able to talk to the convoy commander and hear what really happened put a certain amount of closure to the whole deal. We were never able to see the body so you always wonder if this was real. Like in your case the media reported several different stories including one where he had been badly burned, which never happened. Reading through his paperwork when we finally got it all back I couldn’t believe what my kid had done or was even capable of. After reading your book and having my exact thoughts about the media and soldiers being charged with murder when getting back to the states for doing something that none of the people making the rules have the balls to do makes me sick. Having a second thought about what might happen is getting too many of our boys killed. I tell people the worst day of my life is behind me, between being told my oldest son had been killed and then telling his 15 year old brother that his brother would not be coming home. I can’t think of anything that will ever top that.We are loosing the cream of the crop, kids that are willing to give their lives to fight for people they don’t even know. Thank you sir for your service and fighting for our freedom you are more of a hero than you will ever know.
    John Berberich
    Father of
    SGT Kurtis Arcala KIA 9-11-05 Iraq

  25. Patricia on May 11th, 2008 1:25 am

    I was wondering how to get a signed book by Mr. Luttrell. This book is the most amazing book my father and I have ever read and I wanted to get a signed book for my dad for his birthday. I don’t know what his plans are… but anywhere near Southern California would be amazing. Or if someone could get in touch with him and I could purchase and have it shipped. I’m willing to do anything!!! Thank you!

  26. Jason on May 15th, 2008 6:31 pm

    Mr. Luttrell,
    I just finished your book, and I dont have words to express how relieved I am that someone had the guts to write about how jacked up our rules of engagement are. I know from first hand experience how tied are hands are in situations. I may be only a Marine Grunt but I want you to know I have the utmost respect for you and your fallen brothers, just like mine. Thank you for fighting the good fight.

    Respectfully yours,

    Sgt. Jason Wallace USMC

  27. jeff on May 15th, 2008 9:11 pm

    Having come from a family with a lot of military, and a great love and appreciation for all military personell, I knew I had to read his book. It’s hard for me to express to Mr. Luttrell how much gratitude he is owed! While reading his book I went through a range of emotions, for the loss of his brothers, a deep rage building up within me because of what these faceless taliban cowards had done to him and to so many other troops, to tears when Mr.Luttrell was met by another seal, in tears at the hospital. Mr.Luttrell, you are in every sense of the word, an American Hero!! May God bless you and all of our brothers and sisters in arms!
    Jeff in Idaho

  28. Chris on June 12th, 2008 11:10 pm


    Just finished your book in one sitting. Never have I cried reading anything until this morning. I have admired SEALs all my life as well as the special forces across all of our branches. As a Texan, now living very close to Coronado, I was happy to see in your book the same friends mentioned who gathered at your family ranch while you were missing are also the same personal friends of mine. Us Texans keep good company! It was an honor to be part of your story.


  29. Jon on June 24th, 2008 10:10 pm

    Thanks Mr. Luttrell for the helpful tips to help me train to become a SEAL. Since I was 8 years old I’ve always wanted to be a SEAL and never have I read a book that was so helpful to help me train. Thank you so much.

  30. Julie on June 25th, 2008 8:32 am

    Dear Mr. Luttrell,

    After seeing you on Glenn Beck, I bought your book for my husband for Christmas. He loved it, so I couldn’t resist reading it. I cried through many parts and I just feel safer knowing there are still great men like you out there fighting for our country. It was an honor to read it. Thank you for your service and thank your parents for raising such a great man.


  31. Charlie Shatzen on July 30th, 2008 7:11 pm

    Dear Mr. Luttrell,
    What an incredible book you have written. I am even more proud of those that serve after having read “Lone Survivor”. I will be giving copies as gifts and will certainly pass the word about this fine work. Best wishes to you and I pray that you become as great a doctor as you were a soldier.

    Charlie Shatzen
    Marietta, Ga

  32. Marla on August 5th, 2008 9:29 pm

    Dear Marcus,
    I just recently read your book, after purchasing it for my husband (USMC) originally. He encouraged me to read it, knowing what strong feelings I have for our military. I could not put the book down. I still almost feel as if I were there with you on that mountain in the Hindu Kush, watching what was happening to you and your three Seal brothers, Mikey, Danny and Axe. I have researched, read & absorbed what happened to you during this mission. I cannot tell you so much in words how your book has affected me. I truly believe what you said about the Liberal Media & their reaction if the decision had been made to kill the goatherds instead of letting them go. Its such a dam shame that it was something that had to be considered on that fateful day. Thank you for what you and your Seal brothers have done and continue to do for our country Marcus. God Bless you, your family and God Bless Texas and the U.S.A.

    Santa Rosa California

  33. Cathleen on September 11th, 2008 7:24 pm

    I read Lone Survivor and am interested in meeting the author and having his signature. When/where will he be? is there a schedule. I live near the Navy Seal museum in Florida.

  34. Terri on September 11th, 2008 7:32 pm

    I’m really not sure if or when Marcus Luttrell will be doing any more book tours or appearances. Currently he’s keeping busy with work on the film version of the book, as well as other projects. If and when I hear something about more appearances, I’ll be sure to post it here.

  35. MEGGAN on October 15th, 2008 1:09 pm

    Does anyone know if Marcus is single or married?

  36. Tim Dillard on November 18th, 2008 9:55 pm

    I saw Marcus for the first time today at a luncheon in Houston… I had no idea who he was… My life has been impacted like I did not think possible… I am somewhere between ashamed of my own lack of military service and tremendous admiration for Marcus and his team. This book will be what I give out this Christmas… to everyone.

  37. Jess on November 24th, 2008 2:53 pm

    This is the most amazing guy, I’m trying to track him down to get two signed copies of his book for my two military hero brothers. My big brother is a United States Marine, currently in training to try out for MARSOC (Marine special forces, basically) and my little brother is in traing to be a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger (again, special forces) so I did quite a bit of soul-searching when I read his book, I have so much respect for him and his brothers-in-arms. I appreciate his service and wish him all the best with the rest of his life. If anyone hears of an upcoming appearance in Houston, Texas drop me a line at , I would very grateful for the tip. God Bless Texas and the Good Guys!

    Reply - , I would very grateful for the tip. God Bless Texas and the Good Guys!’); return false;”>Quote
  38. Adam on December 5th, 2008 1:34 pm

    Does anyone have an email address for Marcus or for his publisher?

    Thanks, and God Bless America.

  39. Stephen on February 13th, 2009 9:04 am

    If someone could send me a email address for Marcus it would be great. Would like to send him a email.

    Semper Fi

  40. Joey Toscani on March 4th, 2009 10:39 pm

    Im just a high school kid whos going into the marines, so i dont know alot about the the stuff marcus went through. And I have a few words of appreciation i would like to give to him. so if anyone could give me a way to get in touch with him or send him a letter or something I would really appreciate it.

  41. Richard W. on March 18th, 2009 12:19 pm

    Thank GOD for people like Marcus Luttrell who are still willing to raise their countries flag high and not be afraid to prove all the good things it stands for. Also thank GOD for our military heros who keep us free everyday despite the LIBERAL media and the lies they usually create. GOD BLESS YOU MARCUS LUTTRELL…!!! And all your brother SEAL’s

  42. Claudia Sommers on March 23rd, 2009 10:53 am

    Just wanting to know the procedure to have Marcus speak to our school and community here in Canton, Ohio. Do I go through a speakers bureau or through the abovementioned publisher? Do you know his availability as there are no book tours scheduled that I can see for 2009?


  43. Terri on March 23rd, 2009 11:31 am

    Mrs. Sommers, what you’ll have to do is contact Marcus through his publisher, Little Brown Books, which is part of the Hatchett Book Group.

  44. Shelby McKniff on April 2nd, 2009 7:04 am

    Petty Officer 1st class Mr. Marcus Luttrell, being only a 7th grade middle school student reading your book because of the influences in her family I am almost in tears of how amazing it is. I have a brother who is currently in the Navy and is going to college before hand, my sister’s fiance is leaving for pre-BUD/S at the end of april beginning of May, and my dad was in the army and airborne. I am just in love with the fact that you would be willing to take your time to explain alot of things to people and help them understand. My sister’s fiance was in tears reading this book. I can’t believe how moving it is. I just wanted to take my time to say thank you.

    - Military Supporter/Child

  45. jennifer kahanek on April 3rd, 2009 4:50 pm

    I am just wanting to thank marcus luttrell for the amazing story he has shared with so many..it is truly an inspiration…i’ve just heard on a favorite show of mine the host requesting we keep marcus in our prayers…and i want him to know he is most definitly in my prayers…he has done so much for so many and i know there are a great many people that are thinking of him and wish him well…take care…thank you, jennifer a fellow texan….

  46. Joe Harrison on April 6th, 2009 1:28 pm

    God bless you Marcus and all of our American heroes.

  47. joey toscani on April 6th, 2009 3:49 pm

    sorry about ur dog marcus, those punk kids dont even deserve to be alive now

  48. Linda Pesheck on April 14th, 2009 5:22 pm

    Looking to send Marcus a letter or email in reference to honoring American Heroes at a Patriot Guard event in Minnesota….many of us have read the book and would love to honor Marcus! Thank you.

  49. Joyce Radziwon on April 30th, 2009 2:53 pm

    Dear Mr. Luttrell,
    My name is Joyce Radziwon. My son, Nick Radziwon is Dave Duffield’s roommate in Coronado. They became friends when Dave was attending U of A. Currently Dave is out of the country. Dave, as you know first hand is a wonderful man and like yourself a very dedicated S.E.A.L.
    My entire family has read your book and we have given out 15 copies to friends and other family members. Recently while visiting in Cincinnati I was at the local library and saw that you will be visiting there on May 12th. I was so disappointed that my stay could not be extended to come and listen to you speak and maybe if I was lucky I could shake your hand.
    I checked your upcoming book tour and I see you are in Texax quite a bit, do you see yourself visiting Arizona in the future. We would be thrilled to have you come to our state.
    Thank you for your time, thank you for your service to our country! (Nick and Dave had their commissioning wetdown together and there was a little rumor you may be around. Sorry you missed an awesome time!)
    Joyce Radziwon
    A Proud Navy Mom

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