New Author At A Soldier’s Mind

April 8, 2008

I’d like to introduce a new author to everyone here at A Soldier’s Mind. Please join me in welcoming TxHooligan. TxHooligan is a young Soldier who just completed Basic Training and AIT and is reporting soon to his first duty station overseas. I’m looking forward to reading what he has to say from the perspective of a Soldier just starting out his career in the US Army. WELCOME TxHooligan!!!!


3 Responses to “New Author At A Soldier’s Mind”

  1. Trish on April 8th, 2008 11:00 am

    Keep up the good work! I’ve got your blog in my google reader so I can keep with all you’ve got going on here.

    eMail Our Military’s gearing up for another great support project for our troops, this time for Mother’s Day. Since our troops are serving across the globe, I thought this would be a great way to help them connect with their moms back home in a really sweet, personal and fun way.

    Our troops can write a note or make a simple card for mom and then snap a pic of it with their digital camera or mobile phone. Then just upload it to where it will be turned into a crisp, clear .PDF for sharing with mom.

    What’s I think is so cool about this is that it’s free, and it cleans up the text so it doesn’t look like a camera phone shot - Best of all it’s an immediate way to send a personal note with a whole lot of love across the world.

    This would also be a great way for kids who are separated from their military moms to say Happy Mother’s Day with a homemade card right to mom’s email address without the need for a scanner, etc.

    I think it’s a pretty neat little project and we’re really excited about sharing it with our military and those who support them.

    Supporting our military, one email at a time!

  2. slvrplmno965 on April 8th, 2008 12:24 pm

    Welcome TxHooligan!!! Can’t wait for your posts to start

  3. Anthony on April 8th, 2008 5:34 pm

    Welcome to ASM. Can’t wait to hear from you.

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