Bone Marrow Donor Saves Life Of Soldier’s Child
September 6, 2008
The donation of blood, plasma, bone marrow and organs can and often is life saving. Blood and blood products are essential in the combat zone, due to the types of injuries are Troops often have. However, that’s not the only time that it’s essential to have these life saving donations. Many people here at home would not be alive today, if it weren’t for the unselfish nature of the people who donate on a daily basis. I’d like to tell you the story of one young man, the son of a currently deployed Soldier, who’s life was saved due to an unknown and generous lady who donated her bone marrow. Patrick would love to meet this kind, generous and life saving lady, who sent a card prior to his transplant.
Patrick Mancuso in July
Patrick Mancuso is a normal teenage, who’s father, 1SG Mike Mancuso is a part of Crazy Horse Troop 6-4 CAV, 3-1 ID, that deployed to Afghanistan in July. Last November, Patrick became very ill and after several doctors visits, was told by his doctors that there wasn’t anything going on, except for some inflammation and growing pains. This was during a time, when his father was training for the upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.His mother insisted that there was more going on, something much more serious, so further test were run. It was discovered that Patrick was suffering from very aggressive form of leukemia knows as Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Patrick was immediately transferred to a hospital in San Antonio, where he underwent an aggressive round of chemotherapy, in an attempt to battle his disease. After the first round of Chemo, it was apparent that Chemo alone wasn’t going to be enough to help Patrick and that he would need a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible, if there was any chance of saving his life.
Patrick continued his Chemotherapy treatments, while his doctors searched for a compatible bone marrow donor. During that time, he also underwent cranial and full body radiation. As any of us knows, if we’ve worked in healthcare or have a loved one who underwent treatment for cancer, these treatments made him very ill. Patrick struggled tremendously with the side effects, throwing up often. Because of that, he rarely ate. Finally, doctors found a match and after much preparation, Patrick received a bone marrow transplant in March 2008, at the Methodist Children’s Hospital in San Antonio. That transplant saved his life. Since receiving his transplant, Patrick has been slowly recovering from the chemo, radiation and his disease. That’s normal, as the family was told that recovery can take up to a year. Patrick’s father Mike, deployed to Afghanistan, while the family was anxiously waiting to hear if his transplant was a success or not. I’m sure the worry about his son weighed heavily on his mind, yet 1SG Mancuso didn’t ask for permission to stay behind, but instead honored the commitment he made to defend our nation. That speaks volumes about his dedication to serving our country.
“The good news is that I am recovering better than any one could have imagined and my last count on August 22nd was 100 % donor cells!” said Patrick.1
Patrick is in school now and trying to be a typically normal 14 year old. For Patrick, that means playing his XBOX and his favorite sport football. While his recovery has been slow and often frustrating for Patrick, his family and his friends, their loving support has helped him to continue the fight and beat his disease.
On Thursday, September 18, Patrick is taking part in an event that is very near and dear to his heart. He has worked tirelessly since his bone marrow transplant to raise awareness about the need for people to join the registry. While waiting for his transplant, Patrick, his family and friends worked hard to add hundreds of people to the registry. That equates to hundreds of lives that can potentially be saved, because of their efforts. Since his transplant, Patrick continues with his work for the National Marrow Donor Program, to raise awareness.
The Scott & White Marrow Donor Program is pleased to honor Patrick Mancuso at the Lone Star Circle of Life Bike tour for his efforts in educating the central Texas community about the need for people to join the registry. Patrick, his friends and his family, worked very hard to add hundreds of people to the registry during the time Patrick needed a transplant. Patrick continues his support of the National Marrow Donor Program by agreeing to be the Honorary Race Director for the 2008 Miracle Match Marathon to further educate the public as well as raise funds to tissue type people for the registry.2
If you’re in the Central Texas area and able to participate in the Lone Star Circle of Life Bike Tour, I urge you to do so. If you’re unable to participate, but would like to make a donation, please contact the event coordinator at the following address:
Debbie Mabry
Scott & White Marrow Donor Program
2401 S. 31st St.
Temple, Texas 76508
Phone: 254-724-7000
Your donation will go a long way towards saving the lives of others like Patrick, who desperately need these donations. Please visit the links below to learn more about Patrick’s recovery, as well as the Scott & White Hospital Marrow Donor Program.
Patrick Mancuso’s Caring Bridge Page
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9 Responses to “Bone Marrow Donor Saves Life Of Soldier’s Child”
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[...] Original Terri [...]
Thanks Terri, I knew this story was right up your alley.
There are so many things in this life we can do nothing about. It’s good to hear a story about success, and learn of something we can do for someone else.
You’re welcome Haole and thanks for sending this story my way. It’s an awesome story and one our readers should know about.
Great Job!!! Thanks for helping to get the Information out.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I could be a donor. Under blood donation rules, because I lived in Germany from late 1986 through summer 1990 (except when I came back to the states for college), I am not allowed to donate blood. I’m pretty sure that would also apply to bone marrow, since that’s where the blood is made. There is a chance that anyone living in Europe during a certain time period was exposed - by eating beef - to mad cow disease…
May God be with Patrick, his family, his Dad and the Soldiers he is deployed with. May God keep Patrick strong.
Thank you for posting this and sharing.
Miss Ladybug, Marty falls under the same thing, since he was stationed in Germany early in his military career.
Patrick and family it is my pleasure to help you spread the word. If there’s anything else we can do, please let us know.
I am Patrick’s Mom and even though you cannot donate blood, you are still elgible to donate Marrow!!!!!!!!!!! Those are different guidlines. I am inelgible to donate blood, used to before they changed the rule in I think 2000, however you are ELGIBLE to become a Donor, I know it’s weird, so if you are serious, contact Scott and White and they will be glad to send you a testing kit.
FACT: EVEN IF YOU CAN’T DONATE BLOOD, YOU COULD STILL BE A BONE MARROW DONOR. We pushed the drive for bone marrow donors in this area for Patrick, and we had to work hard to dispell the misunderstanding that if you can’t donate blood, you can’t be a bone marrow donor.
NOT TRUE. You can still register and very well may qualify as a donor. My husband, who’s been overseas plenty (Army for 19 years), registered as a donor a couple of years ago and came up as a potential match for someone last year.
Even if you are in doubt, call a center and get the facts. PLEASE REGISTER! YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE! ;)