Salvage Yard Provides Work For Iraqis

December 31, 2007

It’s often been said at many MilBlogs that one of the things that must be done in Iraq, in order for the country’s young democracy to survive, is to create jobs for Iraq’s people. With each new job created, the country grows closer to becoming self-sustaining. Numerous times, we’ve highlighted some of the jobs that have been created in the country.

Last week, some Iraqis were able to start work in the Defense Reutilization Material Office, which exists to reduce damaged and unusable vehicles into scrap metal. Eventually, the scrap metal will be sold to another business and eventually moved to an Iraqi foundry. This is good news for the Iraqi economy, as not only are jobs created at the Metal Salvage Yard, but also at the foundry. That allows for more work for Iraqis who may have lost their jobs due to the War.

Since they arrived in Iraq, the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment’s Regimental Support Squadron “Muleskinners” have worked closely with the Iraqi Business and Industrial Zone and the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMO) to help create this job opportunity for the Iraqi people in the region. In October, the DRMO received tools, hired employees and established facilities for the opening of the facility on December 21st.

On December 21st, the first day of operations, recently trained Iraqis met with members of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. The Troops will provide the Iraqi workers with technical oversight, security and transportation support.

“This is getting the Iraqis one step closer to standing on their own,” said Army Spc Robert Edsel. Edsel is the inspector of the demilitarized vehicles and also serves as escort for the Iraqis.

The Soldiers in this detail have attended training that was taught by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service reps, as well as training on security and escort. They have also been trained on cultural awareness and learned about the customs of their Iraqi counterparts.

“The Iraqi people want to succeed and they are looking to us for help,” said Capt. Derek Hoffman, the Regimental Support Squadron’s maintenance troop commander. “By understanding this and their needs, we can provide the most effective assistance”.

By creating solid and stable Iraqi businesses, stable jobs are created for the Iraqi people, thus removing the temptation to join the insurgency in order to support their families. According to Army Lt. Col. Danny Tilzey, the Regimental Support Squadron commander, as the scrap metal salvage reaches full capacity, several quarter ton or equivilant vehicles should be able to be processed through the plant daily. This is a growing trend in Iraq; US Soldiers doing what is necessary to ensure the future stability of Iraq.



15 Responses to “Salvage Yard Provides Work For Iraqis”

  1. RYates on December 31st, 2007 3:24 pm

    Not bad! A nearly trillion dollar debt when interest is considered and 4,000 dead US soldiers for a salvage yard for processing spent military equipment. Heck, we may as well declare victory and leave.

  2. Terri on January 1st, 2008 7:59 am

    As usual, you have nothing of significance or substance to share, but instead,more of your hatred and insolence. It must really suck to have to go through life with such a negative outlook on life.

  3. Brandon Begley on January 1st, 2008 6:05 pm

    Whatever the cost, and if it takes as many men to die for our country, we will stay in Iraq and help them acchieve peace. Mr. Yates has no clear understanding of the war, because he has never been to war.

  4. Brandon Begley on January 2nd, 2008 5:14 am

    I often wonder if we will ever pull out though… Oh well, as long as we have to fight, we’ll support the Iraqis. It’s only American…

  5. Brandon Begley on January 2nd, 2008 5:16 am

    Does anyone know if Iraqi’s make good pizza? because I’m going there soon. A growing boy gets hungry u know…

  6. Brandon Begley on January 2nd, 2008 5:17 am

    Hey Terri. You and Anthony have a great holiday season, and congradulate him for his 20 years of sacrifice. Anthony deserves a good retirement.

  7. Brandon Begley on January 2nd, 2008 5:20 am

    Oh I’m sending mp3 recordings to you, this is the best I can come up with, hopefully our viewers will enjoy them. Should be around 1 to 3 days depending on the size of the emails. Look out for them soon. My gift to you and Anthony for supporting our troops.

  8. RYates on January 2nd, 2008 2:09 pm


    If you are at all familiar with the PNAC doctrine (google it if you are not), we can expect to be in Iraq for the next 100 years. The plan was to create a FUBAR in Iraq of such degree that we cannot pull out. Looks like the plan is going according to schedule. Lies, misrepresentations, and a 100 year FUBAR - something we can all be proud of.

  9. Terri on January 2nd, 2008 9:08 pm

    Brandon, Marty just came back from Iraq and said that several of the FOBs now have Pizza Huts, so you should be alright as far as Pizza goes.

  10. tony neria on January 2nd, 2008 9:33 pm

    Thank you for all the wonderful post and all the hard work this year Terri.

  11. Brandon Begley on January 3rd, 2008 2:00 am

    Allrighty then, that’s awesome. Tell Marty I said thanks for his service and if he wants to talk, stop in anytime. You can give him my email address. Thanks Terry.

  12. Brandon Begley on January 3rd, 2008 2:11 am

    MR Yates, I’ll check it out. I know we will be in the fight for a very long time due to our efforts of reconstruction, peace keeping, and engineering. While I wish we could pull out, I know that doing so will lead to a major nightmare as the Kurds and Shi’ites will then commense a civil war. The one thing that I’m glad of is this isn’t another Viet Nam. Eithor way, we’re soldiers and it’s the fact that the government tells us where to go, that we have to obey. I have always opposed the Iraq war because too many men and women were dying, Afghanistan however, we have made considerable leaps and bounds with verry little loss of life in that country. What ever your beliefs are, We are still fighting, and hopefully, God willing, we can keep the terrorist fight over there and ultimately, avoid another 911. If you want to talk more on this issue, email me at my home address. Terry has it and she’ll give it to you. Oh by the way, I hope the holidays have been kind to you. A late merry christmas and happy new year to you.

  13. RYates on January 3rd, 2008 2:28 am

    Thank you, Brandon. Best holiday wishes to you and your family as well.

  14. The best blog about Salvage Inspectors » Blog Archive » What others have been saying about salvage inspector on March 23rd, 2008 12:09 pm

    [...] is the inspector of the demilitarized vehicles and also serves as escort for the Iraqis. The Soldiers in this detail have attended training that was taught by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service reps, … [...]

  15. The best blog about Salvage Inspectors » Blog Archive » ’salvage inspector’ on the web on March 24th, 2008 3:28 pm

    [...] is the inspector of the demilitarized vehicles and also serves as escort for the Iraqis. The Soldiers in this detail have attended training that was taught by the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service reps, … [...]

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