Unity Of Iraq’s Soccer Team Should Serve As An Example To It’s Political Leaders…

July 30, 2007

In an inspirational win over the Saudi Arabian soccer team, the Iraqi national team won the 2007 Asian Cup, with a score of 1-0. The team, consisting of Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish players proved to their fellow Iraqi’s and to the world, that by being able to put aside their ethnic differences and work together towards a common goal, that anything, including victory is possible. The team has not been without tragedy, when terrorists attacked scores of innocent people who were celebrating the teams’ victory over South Korea. The team honored those who were killed in the bomb blast by wearing black armbands in the post-match news conference.

“It’s very clear, from our arms, our respect to the people who died when we put Korea out of the competition,” said coach Jorvan Vieira. “This victory we offer to the families of those people.”

Vieira’s plans are to leave his post immediately after this match. He will be leaving with fond memories of his team and the Iraqi nation.

“I have worked my best to bring a warm smile to their lips and my mission is accomplished,” Vieira said. “The satisfaction is doubled when you can get this cup and you bring happiness for a country, not just a team. It’s more important than anything. Iraqi people, Iraqi players are fantastic people. They are the type of people who have fantastic power within themselves. I learnt a lot with these boys… and I will keep it forever in my life.”

UN ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Washington’s former envoy in Iraq, urged Iraq’s political leaders to use the unity displayed by the Iraqi soccer team, as an example of what can be accomplished in their country, if they put aside ethnic differences. The team didn’t allow their differences to tear them apart, but instead cast those differences aside, and worked together… united as one, to reach their common goal, the 2007 Asian Cup championship.

“I want to congratulate Iraqis, the soccer team for a great victory that they had today,” said Khalilzad. “They were truly united, unlike the government and the political process, where the unity that exists is very much hedged,” he added.

The Iraqi government and the Iraqi people now have the golden opportunity, to learn from the example set for them and for their Country, and come together, not as Sunni’s, Shiite’s or Kurds, but as Iraqi’s to take control of their own destiny and work together to build a strong, free and secure Iraq. Let’s hope that they do indeed learn from this fine example and work harder to resolve their differences, for the betterment of their entire Country. This Iraqi policeman, perhaps says it best…

“Those heroes have shown the real Iraq. They have done something useful for the people as opposed to the politicians and lawmakers,” said Sabah Shaiyal, a 43 year old policemen in the Sadr City district of Baghdad. “The players have made us proud. Once again our national team has shown that there is only one, united Iraq.”

USA Today

Yahoo News


16 Responses to “Unity Of Iraq’s Soccer Team Should Serve As An Example To It’s Political Leaders…”

  1. University Update - Iraq - Unity Of Iraq’s Soccer Team Should Serve As An Example To It’s Political Leaders… on July 30th, 2007 2:54 am

    [...] House Contact the Webmaster Link to Article iraq Unity Of Iraq’s Soccer Team Should Serve As An Example To It’s Political [...]

  2. David M on July 30th, 2007 11:58 am

    Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 07/30/2007
    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  3. VTSharon on July 30th, 2007 12:59 pm

    This is what the Iraqi soccer team captain, Younis Mahmoud, had to say after the victory:

    “I want America to go out …. Today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but out. I wish the American people didn’t invade Iraq and, hopefully, it will be over soon.”

  4. Terri on July 30th, 2007 1:33 pm

    As usual Sharon, you have extreme difficulty sticking with the topic of the post. Gosh I guess that we’re going to have to conduct a remedial training on “How to remain, ON TOPIC when commenting on a blog,” especially for Sharon’s sake.

    The whole point of this topic wasn’t what the soccer team captain allegedly said Sharon, (Psst… it wasn’t even mentioned in the article) but instead how the politicians could use the example of the soccer team consisting of Shiites, Sunni’s and Kurds, who put aside their ethnic differences, and worked together towards a common goal. Perhaps our own politicians could learn a lesson from that as well….

  5. SealPatriot on July 30th, 2007 3:06 pm

    I wonder why he has the right to say that?

  6. Terri on July 30th, 2007 3:43 pm

    Well it would be just like any other free country Ryan. As a citizen of a free nation, you’re able to say what you think, when you think it and about what you think it. But, the statement, is an “alleged” statement. I doubt that Sharon heard it with his/her own ears. As usual, Sharon tries to change to topic of the post to one that suits his/her agenda. Doesn’t surprise me, as that’s his/her typical M.O.

  7. SealPatriot on July 30th, 2007 4:29 pm

    I know, I was making a point to VTSharon, it was a rhetorical question. Obviously, he has the right to say such a thing because of our troops went in there and removed Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Government.

  8. Terri on July 30th, 2007 4:38 pm

    Exactly. Something tells me though that Sharon will create some other excuse.

  9. SealPatriot on July 30th, 2007 4:43 pm

    I did get my messenger account set up, how do I add you?

  10. VTSharon on July 30th, 2007 4:50 pm
  11. Terri on July 30th, 2007 4:57 pm

    Ryan, I just sent you a message on your MySpace account.

  12. Terri on July 30th, 2007 4:57 pm

    And that has to do with the topic of the post…… how???????

  13. SealPatriot on July 30th, 2007 5:07 pm

    How does this have anything to do with Iraq overall? How’s one man’s opinion representative of one whole nation when he probably doesn’t represent his whole entire team?

  14. Terri on July 30th, 2007 5:20 pm

    Besides the fact that the link that you provided was just another blog… not a news source at all.

  15. VTSharon on July 30th, 2007 5:37 pm

    Someone noted the fact that I did not provide a source for the post above, so I provided it at comment 10.

    Further, you will note from the “blog” I linked you that the source they rely on is the AP which, btw, is a news source.

    As to being on or off topic, I thought the post was about the Iraqi soccer team’s recent victory at the 2007 Asian Cup, which would tend to make the thoughts of the captain of the team somewhat pertinent.

  16. Terri on July 30th, 2007 5:47 pm

    The topic Sharon was how the UNITY of the Soccer team, and them putting aside their ethnic differences, allowed them to overcome the odds and win and how the Iraqi politicians could take a lesson from that. The title says that VERY clearly. We all know that you’re able to comprehend what you read Sharon, but instead you chose to attempt to bastardize each and every post that you comment on. Pretty disgusting tactic, to put it bluntly.

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