Recent Oportunity…

May 23, 2006

I recently received an eMail from Jason over at Save The Soldiers.  He asked me if I’d be willing to write articles for Save The Soldiers.  I told him I would but with my soon depature to BNCOC and other things going on I may not be able to write much.  I’m very proud to say I have written my first article, titled “Learning to Work Together”, and it is currently posted here.  Keep a look out for more writting from me in the near future.  The only problem is finding enough stuff to write about, in order to fill both A Soldier’s Mind and Save The Soldiers.


3 Responses to “Recent Oportunity…”

  1. Anthony on May 24th, 2006 11:15 am

    Unless you have agreed with Save The Soldiers otherwise, please post those articles here as well. There’s too many blogs to read all of them and bouncing around from one to another to read all of one person’s writing can be frustratiing.

  2. Anthony on May 24th, 2006 5:57 pm

    Sure, not a problem Anthony. By the way, whenever I see comments from you I get confused. I always have to immediatly read them to make sure I didn’t write them. :lol:

  3. Anthony on May 25th, 2006 11:39 am

    I do the same thing when I see your comments! I even get thrown off a bit when I see your name on your own website. Anthony is not a very common name any more so it hits me when I see it. Maybe we should start commenting as “Civilian Anthony” and “Soldier Anthony” or “Old” - no not old - “MiddleAged Anthony” and “Young Anthony”.

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