Rocker Gene Simmons Honors Our Troops And Our Country

September 7, 2007

I’ve always been a fan of the rock band Kiss, with or without their make-up. In 1999, I had the pleasure of seeing Kiss, Ted Nugent and Skid Row perform in Wichita, Ks during Kiss’ farewell tour. Kiss does an awesome rendition of Stars Spangled Banner. I ran across this video of Gene Simmons honoring our Troops and our Country and wanted to share it with everyone here. I know that not everyone is a Kiss fan or a fan of Rock & Roll, but I always love it when the big names in the music industry take time out of their schedules to honor our Troops. Enjoy!


4 Responses to “Rocker Gene Simmons Honors Our Troops And Our Country”

  1. Sgt Grumpy on September 8th, 2007 12:38 pm

    Wow the God Bless America rendition was awesome! Now I’ve got to find Kiss doing the Stars Spangled Banner.

  2. Terri on September 8th, 2007 1:11 pm

    It’s pretty awesome, especially if you can see it in person, with all the fireworks they usually have at their shows. It’s an all instrumental version and quite impressive.

  3. Leta on September 8th, 2007 10:53 pm

    I was on a business trip somewhere recently, holed up in a hotel room, TV on for noise. A show came on with Gene Simmons and his family. I guess it’s one of those reality type shows or something. I believe it was called Family Jewels. Anyway, Gene Simmons daughter was working on a project (a paper) for high school about the military. Gene arranged for he and his daughter to go to “boot camp” at Camp Pendleton (I think). While they were put through the obstacle course and a couple of other things it certainly wasn’t really BOOT CAMP.

    Afterwards they visited Wounded Warriors. They then arranged to visit a local VA Hospital. I was absolutely shocked at the ABSOLUTE respect that Mr. Simmons and his daughter had throughout the entire show.

    At the end of the show he held a “concert” for a group of military personnel somewhere and the clip here was shown. He had arranged for a brand new ambulance to be donated to the VA hospital there.

    It was a VERY moving show. Gave me a great deal of respect for Mr. Simmons.

  4. Terri on September 8th, 2007 11:01 pm

    I heard something about that awhile back and unfortunately missed the show. I think it’s great that more and more of the big names in the music industry are stepping forward and showing that they support the Troops. They definately make a much better impression on me, than the bozos who are actively bashing our Troops.

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