Post Milblog Conference Wrap-Up
September 23, 2008
I think that everyone in attendance at the 2008 Milblog Conference in Las Vegas, will agree that it was a great time. The conference was informative and it was great to be able to meet the bloggers that I’d not have the opportunity to meet before. The pre and post parties were awesome! :-)
The pre-party was hosted by the fantastic guys at Blackfive and held at the Penthouse Club. I can honestly say that the people at the Penthouse are very supportive of the Troops and they allowed us to invade their club at no cost. To give you an idea of the fun that occurred there, I’ll share some photos that some of the attendees took.
After the conference on Saturday, a bunch of us met up at the Mirage for an evening of “people watching,” among other things. Like the night before, I was fortunate to spend the evening in the company of a group of fantastic people. We had a blast and Marcus was able to show why the Marines are the “few and the proud” when he played hero to a damsel in distress (”I Got My Feelings Hurt!”)

It was an evening filled with lots of laughs (chicks in barely there red dresses and wheelchairs and red biohazard bags). I am SO looking forward to the conference next year, so that I can once again spend time in the company of such wonderful people.
6 Responses to “Post Milblog Conference Wrap-Up”
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Haaaaaaahahahahaha, I forgot about Jack’s STASH! ROFLMAO!!
Wonder if he was ever able to put that “stash” to use?
Terri, it was wonderful to finally meet you! I had a blast with everyone, and can’t wait to do it again…..maybe in a week or so :) I think we have to make a rule, no cameras after the first 2 nights :) Last year we deleted everything taken on the morning we were all flying home….they were too sad for words. Ha!
It was great to finally meet you as well. You’re right, it was a blast. I’m ready for next year as well. Haven’t been back to the DC area since I moved out here and Marty hasn’t ever been. Hopefully his schedule will allow him to join us next year.
We definately had fun with the pics from the Mirage. Poor Marcus, he’ll never live that one down. hehehehe! I still wanna know if Jack ever got to use that “stash.” :-)
If he used the whole stash, we won’t hear from him for at least 90 days! lol
I love going to DC, and meeting Marty would be GREAT! Um, do you think he’s up to meeting the whacky women you hang with? *grin*
That’s true. He sure was proud of that stash, wasn’t he?
Oh I think Marty would be up to the task of dealing with us. He had JP going while they were both deployed. LOL! Poor JP had no clue who was sending him the crazy stuff that was coming from FOB Warhorse!