Operation Iraqi Freedom Looms Closer

April 25, 2008

We are less than 30 days from deployment and I’m nervous, one would think that being deployed to war before would make a person less anxious the second time around.  The truth is, every deployment is fearful.  It is easier for my wife because she knows what to expect, but I know this is taking a toll on her.  Let’s not forget my dearest little girl Bella.  I’m going away for 15 months, she’s going to wonder why her daddy isn’t here.  Let me tell you a well known fact about children.  Majority of parents with children under a year who deploy believe that their child will not remember the deployed spouse when they come back from deployment.  But my family is a prime example that this is not the case.  When I deployed to Afghanistan in April 06, Bella was only 2 weeks old.  We were apart for more than 8 months before I took midtour leave and came home.  It took a minute or two but Bell knew who her daddy was and we bonded.  A simple but effective means to keep in touch with your child is, 1. make sure you talk to your child.  Your voice will soothe them and they will remember you, nomatter how old they are.  2. leave a photo with them, though they may be too young to hold it, they will remember your face. 3. never force your child to pay attention to you when you come home, they must get adjusted to you being home, eventually they will come around and your family will be complete once more.  I would like to leave you with this last announcement.  On behalf of the Begley Family, to the family of Mathew Maupin, “Please accept my deepest sympathies and most sincere apology for the loss of your son.  You have recieved a copy of my music in good faith and if I can do anything to help your family in your time of suffering, don’t hesitate to contact me.  You will always be in my thoughts.  Godsbee to you and your family, your son has paid his debt to our nation, HE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN!!!!”.  May God be with all of our men, women, and families who support the founding principals of our nation. “GOD AND COUNTRY”.  As I prepare for Iraq, I will go with pride.  I am an American soldier, and I will always remember my place in the world……….”America’s Guardian Force”.


4 Responses to “Operation Iraqi Freedom Looms Closer”

  1. Terri on April 25th, 2008 3:48 am

    Keep us posted Brandon. Remember once you get there to send me an email with your address, so that we can make sure you get properly spoiled.

  2. alexandria on April 25th, 2008 5:58 pm

    Thanks for serving!

  3. Helen Chen on April 25th, 2008 6:24 pm


    Thank you for your service. People like you make me feel proud to be an American. My thoughts will be with you and your family. Take care.


  4. Dominique on April 26th, 2008 6:24 pm

    One military soldier to another - Thank you for making us proud and for serving your country. I will be praying for your protection, wisdom, and for a safe and speedy return. God’s grace be with you.

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