Government Of Anbar Province Dedicate Success Against Al Qaeda To 9/11 Victims

September 12, 2007

Amid all the buzz in the news about President Bush making a surprise visit to Iraq last week, and the political posturing that came from US lawmakers in the build-up to the testimony of General Petraeus before congress yesterday, certain incidents were lost in the shuffle or passed over as not “news worthy” by a media bent on making our President and our Troops look bad in the eyes of the world. If I had not been looking online for information about something else, I’d have never ran across this story. Ironically enough, the major media outlets continue to ignore things such as this and instead continue their goal to provide news that is half-truths at best.

Last week, when President Bush met with members of the government of Anbar Province, they presented him with a letter. In that letter, they dedicated the success that has been seen in Anbar Province against al-Qaeda forces, to the victims of 9/11. They understand the importance of eradicating the threat that al-Qaeda holds over their country as well as the entire world.

This letter was signed by Anbar Province’s Governor Mamoun Sami Rashid, Provincial Council Chairman Abdul-Salam Abdullah and Sheik Sattar abu Risha, who is the sheik that is credited with the start of the awakening of Anbar. The letter stated in part:

“In the month, when the terrorists attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, we dedicate the victory of Anbar Province to the families of the victims who suffered that criminal act,” the letter said. The letter was addressed directly to President Bush.

“With the help of the President of the United States, we pledge to continue to cooperate and communicate with you to continue to get good results,” the letter continued.

Amazingly enough, none of the major news networks picked up on this letter and it’s significance. Of course, that would contrast sharply with their contention that the people of Iraq adamantly want our Troops out of their country. The presentation of this letter dedicating their success to the families and victims of the tragedy of September 11, 2001 and shows that the people of Anbar Province have not forgotten that tragic day. It’s too bad that many Americans have become complacent and have seemed to have forgotten that day, six years ago.

New York Daily News


8 Responses to “Government Of Anbar Province Dedicate Success Against Al Qaeda To 9/11 Victims”

  1. wordsmith on September 12th, 2007 1:06 am

    Terri, this is an amazing find! Thank you!

  2. Terri on September 12th, 2007 4:07 am

    My pleasure wordsmith. It was one of those stories that I felt just had to be told.

  3. Mike's America on September 12th, 2007 12:00 pm

    Yes, thank you for sharing this.

    I suggest every GOP member of both the House and Senate go to their respective chambers and each read this letter into the Congressional Record until the mainstream “news” media reports it widely.

    You know that had the Anbaris handed Bush a letter that said “GET OUT NOW” it would be on the front page of every paper in the country.

  4. Terri on September 12th, 2007 12:47 pm

    Of course it would be Mike. Amazing how they always tend to avoid the GOOD news.

  5. Mike's America on September 12th, 2007 12:57 pm

    Thanks again for this. I’ve linked back to both you and Wordsmith.

    I was hoping to find the entire text of the letter. If you come across it, please drop me a note at Mike’s America.

  6. Terri on September 12th, 2007 1:08 pm

    I sure will Mike. I searched after I found this article and so far, haven’t come across the text of the entire letter. I’ll keep looking though. Thanks for the link!

  7. Mike's America on September 12th, 2007 10:05 pm

    I looked around too. Nothing at the White House site. Typical of how we fail to get the news out. It would be great if President Bush mentioned the letter in his speech Thursday but I’m not holding my breath.

  8. Terri on September 13th, 2007 4:08 am

    Yes that would be great if he did. It’s something that more people should hear about.

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