Marcus Luttrell Book Tour

July 12, 2007

Thanks to Haole who so kindly stopped by to update us on Marcus Luttrell’s book tour, I was given the itenery for his next stops. If you’re in any of these areas, PLEASE take the time to stop by, shake Marcus’s hand and THANK him for his service and his sacrifices. He will be in my area within the next couple of weeks and I plan to be there to get my book signed. I’ll even take along the 5 copies that will be given as prizes for our Essay Contest, so that each winner receives an AUTOGRAPHED copy of the book. If you’ve not read the write-up I did about Marcus’s book, the day it was released, or would just like to re-read it, you can access it by going here.

Here are the dates:

July 9

Barnes & Noble
Houston, TX

July 10

Barnes & Noble
Austin, TX

July 12

Barnes & Noble
Newport News, VA

July 13

Norfolk Main Store CD13
Norfolk, VA

July 14

AAFES Bragg North Main
Ft. Bragg, NC

July 15

Barnes & Noble
Fayetteville, NC

July 25

Barnes & Noble
Lubbock, TX

July 26

Dallas, TX

July 27

AAFES Hood Main Store
Killeen, TX

July 30

Barnes & Noble
San Diego, CA


312 Responses to “Marcus Luttrell Book Tour”

  1. yankeemom on July 13th, 2007 6:59 am

    Terri ~ Marcus will not be anywhere near me, so please send him my thanks, would you?

  2. Terri on July 13th, 2007 7:43 am

    I most certainly will yankeemom. I plan to let him know how much we ALL appreciate him and the sacrifices that he’s made for our country.

  3. SealPatriot on July 13th, 2007 9:51 am


  4. Terri on July 13th, 2007 9:56 am

    You will be entering the Essay Contest, won’t you Ryan????

  5. SealPatriot on July 13th, 2007 10:00 am

    Not Sure, after having just finished my first year of college with really good grades and having written more essays in a quarter than I did in a year in high school. Not sure I am up for another one, but maybe I will.

  6. Terri on July 13th, 2007 10:31 am

    Awwwwwww come on. Give it a shot. It doesn’t have to be a long essay, just one that conveys your thoughts on the topic.

  7. SealPatriot on July 13th, 2007 12:55 pm

    I already started about two minutes after I said I wasn’t sure. Since the troops are going to read it, might as well give it a try.

  8. Terri on July 13th, 2007 1:16 pm

    Fantastic! And just think, you’ve got a chance to win one of the 5 autographed Marcus Luttrell books. :-)

  9. Leta on July 14th, 2007 5:02 am

    I just read “Lone Survivor”. Couldn’t put it down. Marcus tells the story in the most amazing way on all levels. I’ve already shipped my copy to some of “my” guys in Iraq.

    Sadly it seems he won’t be anywhere near my neck of the woods either. Please give my thanks and best to him. No doubt he is an amazing man and having the opportunity to meet him and shake his hand is one I would cherish for so many reasons.

    If you haven’t already BUY THE BOOK and read it.

  10. Terri on July 14th, 2007 6:08 am

    Amen Leta! The book is definitely a MUST HAVE!

  11. David Luttrell on July 16th, 2007 7:37 am

    Thanks to all of you and the support given Marcus, his book is now Number One of the New York times Best Seller List.
    Thank You,

  12. Terri on July 16th, 2007 7:40 am

    Pops THANK YOU, for sharing your amazing son with us. I’m SO glad that his book is doing so well and I look forward to meeting Marcus here on the 27th when he’s signing his books at the PX.

  13. Kirsten on July 16th, 2007 12:18 pm

    Wow- number 1… Pops, please pass along to Marcus that most civilians (and pro-military liberals- yes, there are many of us) support our troops 100% and do appreciate the sacrifices being made. We are not as divided a nation as the media portrays. I hope the success of the book helps show this. I know it is traumatizing to Marcus to tell the story over and over, but it’s an important one and I’m glad he had the courage to write the book. Too bad he’s not coming to Colorado to sign. Heartfelt best wishes to your family.

  14. Haole Wahine on July 16th, 2007 3:49 pm


    Kirsten, amen amen amen.

  15. Ellen in Austin on July 18th, 2007 6:36 pm

    I had the honor to to shake hands with Marcus at his book signing here in Austin and was very touched by his humanity. I have not finished the book yet. As a mother of a Marine preparing to leave for Iraq I find it very hard to read very far without stopping to mop up the tears. A heart retching story to read but it needs to be read by every American. In this one story is a snapshot of the American spirit. Marcus is a son to all of us. Hard as it has been to keep telling the story it is a story that can bring all Americans together. I hope that Marcus can work-in a trip to speak to Congress into his tour. I would gladly send a copy to each Congressman if I thought they would read it. In my opinion it should be required reading. I regret not having the forethought to have more copies signed for my son’s Marine brothers so I will be making the 1 1/2 hrs drive to Fort Hood later this month. Pops, ask Moms to give Marcus and Morgan a big hug from this MarineMom.

  16. Terri on July 18th, 2007 8:01 pm

    Ellen, thanks so much for stopping by. I’ll likely see you at the Fort Hood book signing as I definitely plan to be there. I’ve already made arrangements with my boss to be on duty at the PX that afternoon, so that I can attend and meet Marcus. I’ll be the one wearing the A Soldier’s Mind t-shirt, that day.

    I read the book, finished it in about 3 hours. I too had to stop several times to wipe away the tears. You’re right it’s a very heart-wrenching story but one that EVERYONE in America should be required to read… especially politicians.

    Hopefully, I’ll see you at Fort Hood later this month.

  17. Joy Jurnack on July 19th, 2007 12:26 pm

    I need to know what to do now - I’m 2/3rds done with Lone Survivor and I’m so upset - but what, where, how - I need to do something. This is so selfish of me - I want to hug Marcus and tell him how thankful I am for him - for men who are like him. I need to finish this book - and I will insist that my daughters read this book - but oh my, I’m so upset.
    Please come to NY/NJ for a book signing.

  18. Terri on July 19th, 2007 12:35 pm

    Joy, I’ll be going to Marcus’s book signing at Fort Hood later this month. I’ll make sure to tell him that you’d like for him to come there as well. Hopefully he can give me an idea of what his book signing itenerary will be, after the end of July and I’ll update here on the blog.

  19. Joy Jurnack on July 19th, 2007 12:40 pm

    Teri, Thank you so very much. Does he have an email address? I would imagine not but I would love to give him a personal message. Or an address - I would send a hand written note.

  20. Terri on July 19th, 2007 12:51 pm

    I don’t have one for him. Will see what I can do, when I go to the book signing.

  21. GEREKE on July 19th, 2007 2:16 pm

    Hi. I’ve read the book.. It is amazing..
    I went to High School and College with M&M.
    I missed the signing in Houston. I was wanting to purchase a couple of signed copies. Can anyone direct me with an email address?
    Thanks! God Bless this M&M..

  22. Terri on July 19th, 2007 2:57 pm

    GEREKE I don’t have an email address for Marcus, but will be attending the Fort Hood book signing and will see if I can get one. I”ll keep you posted.

  23. Ellen in Austin on July 20th, 2007 6:20 am

    Terri, I look forward to seeing you at Fort Hood. Joy, I know exactly how you feel. My boss (who I told about the book, and finished it before I did)have had many discussions about how deeply this book as effected us and feel that all Americans should read it. Marcus and his brothers are never far from my thoughts these days. We also have the need to give him a hug and have decided that there’s not much you can do to stop a post menopausal Mom from doing anything she really wants to.
    I did not really tune into the story until last week when Marcus was here in Austin. Does anyone know if Rush as talked about the book? If not it really needs to brought to his attention. I would love to hear him interview Marcus.

  24. Joy from NY on July 20th, 2007 6:40 am

    I guess we can’t go far without politics getting in the way of everything. I am at constant conflict within myself as I am a Democrat and do not agree with this war and fully support the troops. After reading Marcus’s book, I’m not sure this is even possible - although I feel it in my heart. If I were to comment at all on the book, it would only be to say that although he labels the media “liberals” it has been every station supported by liberals and conservatives, who have reported on this war - from the invasion, to the executions to the horrors that go on daily. Am I a liberal - I would think so on some issues - have I ever considered myself a conservative - probably not but after reading this book, I see that I have strong views and opinions as both a liberal and a conservative. Some will argue with me until they are red in the face that this is not possible - and again, I know what I feel. I also believe that there are a vast majority of Americans who feel the same way I do - they have a conflict in their heart about war and the horrors but, and as Marcus states more eloquently than I, you have to be there to truly understand these acts of war. I am so conflicted within myself. BUT the far greater issue, regardless of liberal or conservative, is how do we support, love, cherish and thank these extraordinary young men. I may not have always agreed with all that Marcus says but I respected his views are from a place I can only think about - never venture - and because of this I have learned a tremendous amount about the mind and spirit of the enlisted men and women in today’s military. Please do not be too harsh with me – I realize I may not share all the views of those of you on this site.

  25. Terri on July 20th, 2007 7:25 am

    Working on a Military Installation, I fully understand the comment Marcus made about “media liberals” and the frustration of many of our Troops over the way the Media is reporting this war. Yes, they have reported on this war from day 1, but the frustration lies in not only what they report, but how they report it. As you said:

    it has been every station supported by liberals and conservatives, who have reported on this war - from the invasion, to the executions to the horrors that go on daily.

    What the media doesn’t report, and hence the frustration of the troops, are the positive things that are coming out of Iraq. The thousands of schools rebuilt, the thousands of children who are provided with healthcare, who weren’t before. The people who have jobs now, the improvements being made that aren’t reported in the media. The media tends to report the sensational (blood, guts, gore, bombings, etc). That is so very frustrating to the Troops, who see every day the postive impact that their hard work is causing. That’s why here at ASM, we tend to not report the sensational and instead concentrate on providing our readers with a much more balanced view of what’s occurring. The view from the “boots on the ground.”

    I hope that this can help you to understand, why Marcus and other Troops might feel some anger or perhaps frustration, towards the media.

  26. Joy from NY on July 20th, 2007 7:35 am

    That clarifies a lot for me. I want to understand all sides of this war. It’s such a heated issue and the answers are not black and white. And what brought me here was a quest for greater understanding and through learning and hearing other views, I become more fully aware. Thanks!

  27. Terri on July 20th, 2007 7:43 am

    You’re very welcome Joy. Please feel free to take some time to look around and see what we’re writing about here. One section that will probably give you insight into the Troops thoughts about how the media reports on the War would be the Rebuilding Iraq section. Another would be the Hear Our Heroes section, where we’ve featured interviews with Soldiers, some who are currently in Iraq and others who have been in the past but are currently state-side. I appreciate the fact that you’re open to learning and hearing different views. Myself, I think the best source for news about what’s occurring in Iraq and Afghanistan, is the Troops who are over there.

  28. Haole Wahine on July 20th, 2007 9:17 am

    Joy, I’m coming to the party late. Your comments were wonderful. All our guys & gals over there are asking is to give them a chance to tell you what they are seeing. And your comments tell that is happening. Check out some of ASM’s list of other blogs, too. ASM is working hard to get the word out for everyone to have a well rounded view. We thank them for their good work.

    I don’t know how much you want to get involved, but go to some of the personal help sites, soldier’s angels,, books for soldiers, and other sites ASM recommends and get involved with one person or group of our guys & gals. It will give you a lot of insight (laughs and heart tugs). And of course, check ASM all the time

  29. CommanderMom on July 20th, 2007 10:31 am

    Also, coming to the party late, but would like to ditto all above.

    Joy I appreciate hearing and applaud you for your open mind, and your quest for learning and understanding all sides of this war. I believe you’ve come to a great place for that. Like stated above, you’ll also find that in the other milblogs/affiliates/friends/family/supporters, over at the blogroll/info section. Also, I would so NOT argue with you, on the possibility of being a lil’ Liberal,lil’ conserv./lil’ Dem, lil’ etc. Myself, politically, I haven’t decided whether to check the box; all the above, or None of the above, I’ve been leaning towards None of the above!:) (even tho I am registered,of course, and do/will vote) Anyways, for the most part, I find, here, politics is at a minimal, it’s all about the troops,the importance of learning and hearing them and supporting them. Welcome!

  30. Kirsten on July 23rd, 2007 12:14 pm

    For those who want to contact Marcus. If nothing else, I know it’s not as instantly gratifying, but you can write to him c/o his publisher:
    Marcus Luttrell
    c/o Little, Brown and Company
    237 Park Ave
    New York, NY 10017

    I’d imagine he is inundated with correspondence at this point.
    Joy, I think you and I are kindred spirits…

  31. Terri on July 23rd, 2007 12:51 pm

    Thanks Kirsten for the information. Hopefully when I get my books signed on Friday I can get info on another place he would like mail/email sent, if any.

  32. Ellen in Austin on July 23rd, 2007 6:24 pm

    Terri–what time will the signing start? I may need to arrange to be off work. Are non military personnel going to be allowed? I have been wanting to get some new Marine Mom t-shirts and was wondering if they will allow shopping at the PX?

    Thanks a Bunch,

  33. Terri on July 23rd, 2007 7:01 pm

    Ellen the signing starts at 2pm. I’ll email you about the rest of the questions.

  34. Walter Diaczenko on July 26th, 2007 11:37 am

    I am a former Navy SEAL (Class 48E)and both my sons are on the same path. My oldest son is in the NROTC and training hard. My youngest is a senior in high school and also wants to become a Navy SEAL. I am not able to be at any of the book signing sites. Can I still buy a copy of the book for my personal library. I’d be honored if I could buy 3 copies, one for myself and each of my boys.

  35. Terri on July 26th, 2007 12:34 pm

    Mr. Diaczenko, I know that they have the books on sale at, they have them in PX, as well as most book stores. I ordered my copy from Amazon. Hope that helps. Thanks for stopping by Sir and Thank You for your service to our country.

  36. Haole Wahine on July 26th, 2007 12:42 pm

    Terri check your email. Mr. Diaczenko, i would be honored to purchase 3 copies and get them signed tomorrow for you and your sons. If you could email Terri or me with the names you would like marcus to sign them too, I would be honored to do this for you. Terri, why don’t you just email him my email address, or whatever is easier.

  37. Terri on July 26th, 2007 12:46 pm

    Okay I’ll get your email address to him. Thanks!

  38. Leta on July 28th, 2007 10:33 pm

    Terry - any idea which Barnes and Noble in the San Diego area and what time? As luck would have it I’m going to be landing there tomorrow ’round noon. If there is any way I can get to the signing there I want to.

    Thanks much!

  39. Haole Wahine on July 28th, 2007 10:54 pm

    Leta, I just happened to have the info. Be sure and check back, Terri is working on a post about the book signing at Fort Hood. Go if you get the chance.

    Mira Mesa Barnes & Noble
    7:00 PM
    10775 West View Parkway
    San Diego, CA

  40. Leta on July 29th, 2007 2:36 am

    Thank you!!!!

  41. Terri on July 29th, 2007 4:40 am

    Definitely GO if you can Leta. It will be well worth your time. Marcus is a great young man.

  42. Martha German on July 29th, 2007 5:21 pm

    I think I left my comment on the wrong page…. I had written asking if you could help me find out when Marcus will be in Plano, TX. I met him in Mesquite. I teach history in Plano and he mentioned that he would be coming to Plano soon and that he thought it would be to a Barnes & Noble. He was very impressive, and I want my students to meet him. He and I grew up in the same area (East Texas.) Please help me find out when he’ll be in Plano. Several other history teachers would like to meet him since we will be using his story in our classes.

  43. Terri on July 29th, 2007 5:47 pm

    I’ll do some checking Martha and see if I can find out. The schedule that I have posted above comes from the book publisher’s website. The last time I looked, they didn’t have anything posted past July 30th. As new dates and locations are announced, I’ll make sure to post about it.

  44. Terri on July 29th, 2007 6:48 pm

    The publisher still doesn’t have anything listed past July 39th. I’ve sent an email to my contact with them and will see if I can get some updated information.

  45. Linda Rich on July 30th, 2007 3:36 pm

    Dear Terri:
    I am Josh Rich’s mom. I believe that Marcus (or his twin brother) went through B.U.D.S. with my son. Any chance that the book tour is coming to Washington State?
    Thank you to Marcus and all the men in the teams, their service goes beyond what anyone not involved with the teams can ever imagine.

  46. Terri on July 30th, 2007 3:45 pm

    Linda, I’m really not sure at this point. I did contact a representative of the book publisher today and he said that at this time, they don’t have a schedule past July 30th, but were going to try to find something out from Marcus’s agent. Please extend our eternal gratitude to your son and Thank him for his service to our country.

  47. Linda Schulgen on July 31st, 2007 10:09 pm

    Is there any chance Marcus will be coming to San Antonio for a book signing? I would love to get 2 books signed for my 2 sons. His story has truly touched their lives and mine too.
    God bless you Marcus.

  48. Terri on August 1st, 2007 2:00 pm

    Marcus was in San Antonio not long ago. Don’t know if he’ll be making another trip through there or not.

  49. Mike Boos on August 1st, 2007 8:43 pm

    Would like too find out if Marcus will be in Oklahoma at all, with his book tour. Would be honored to meet him and shake his hand.

  50. Chip Abernathy on August 1st, 2007 11:19 pm

    WOW. Thank you to Marcus for telling this story. It gets so tiring reading, watching and listening to the media make our soldiers the equivalent to those that would kill us. I picked your book up Monday and outside of work, did not put it down until I finished at 1:30am early Wednesday morning. Your brothers that sacrificed their lives would be proud of your book. I hope one day you find a peace.

    To David and Kim, thank you for raising your sons the way you did. It is amazing to see such clear thought and determination in your son. I only hope that, as a father, I can teach my children(3, including 2 little boys) to have the strength, determination, desire, courage, integrity, etc., etc., that Marcus, his fellow SEALS, and those other young men and women that are serving our great nation display every hour of every day. Thank you.

    Please let us know if you are planning any book signings in The Woodlands area. Having just read the book I missed the two signings in Houston already. I have never been high on autographs, but to meet, get my book signed, and personally thank your son for his service would be an honor.

    Chip Abernathy

    PS To those parents of the young soldiers out there defending our country, thank you. We are indeed in debt to those heroes.

  51. Terri on August 2nd, 2007 3:54 am

    Mike and Chip, as soon as I find out more information on any more locations for Marcus’s book tour, I will post them here. Thank you both for visiting A Soldier’s Mind. Hope you’ll visit again!

  52. Ellen in Austin on August 3rd, 2007 1:57 pm

    Mike and Chip, I hope you get the chance to shake Marcus’s hand. I have been lucky enough to go to 2 of his signings here in Texas. He is very down to earth and easy to talk to. He does his Mama proud. If he comes anywere close to you its worth the drive.
    Chip, I will pass on your words of support to my young Marine.

  53. Chip Abernathy on August 3rd, 2007 2:24 pm


    I hope he does another signing in or around the Houston area. I would love to shake his hand and thank him personally for both his servie and the story of what happened. It brings to light that it just isn’t this sterile news story. It is a real life struggle of good vs. evil, and there are these brave young men and women that are doing the ground work while we sit over here and type on our computers.

    Where is your son serving? Best wishes,


  54. Martha German on August 4th, 2007 8:28 pm

    Thanks for trying to check on the book tour schedule. He told me he was coming to Plano to a Barnes and Noble, but so far, I can’t find anything about it. I really want my history students and my own son to get a chance to meet him. Let me know if you find out anything. Thank you!

  55. Terri on August 4th, 2007 9:33 pm

    I’ll sure do that Martha. Just as soon as I find out something I’ll post it on the blog.

  56. Ellen in Austin on August 7th, 2007 7:54 pm

    Sorry to take so long to reply but I was off line this weekend spending time with John (my Marine) for the last time until he returns from Iraq. He left Sunday for his last week at Camp Lejuene then on Sunday they leave for 29 Palms CA for a 3 week training program called Mohave Viper. They have a urban warfare site there and they will be training with live ammo etc. Then they have an extended 96 hour leave just before they head to Iraq.
    John’s unit has been getting some really good training. The Marines have made some changes and extended the training to include somethings I feel really good about. They re-instituted a program that will make every Marine a Medic or close to it. Sure makes me feel better to know everyone around John knows how to treat a belly wound, or do a trek,etc. God forbid it was needed.
    The physical training has been very aggressive too. One evening I called John and he said that they had had really intense workout that day and he was exhausted. He said that his CO was a real hardass when it comes to Physical training. And I quote ” you’d think he’s training a bunch of F**** Seals out here”. Wouldn’t Marcus get a kick out of that!!!!!!

    Well now you know all about where my son is. Probably more that you ever wanted to know but you know how proud mamas are about their boys. Thanks for asking.

  57. Terri on August 7th, 2007 8:00 pm

    Ellen you have every right to be proud of your son. Being a mom of a couple Soldiers myself, I know the fear and pride that you have…. well.

    I’m sure that Marcus would really get a kick out of that comment. LOL! Please let John know that we’re proud of him and sending lots of love and support his way!

  58. Chip Abernathy on August 7th, 2007 8:05 pm

    No problem, I would want to spend every second if that were my son as well. As a 38 year old, when I was younger, about the time of Gulf 1, several friends of mine and I had discussed what would happen if there was a draft, should we volunteer, etc.m but by the time things got started over there, it was over. I think one regret I have is not serving this great country in that fashion. I really admire those young men and women that volunteer to serve our country. Tell him once more thanks and take it to them.

  59. Ellen in Austin on August 7th, 2007 9:10 pm

    Chip and Terri, Thanks for your kind words.

    Chip, I think that there are ways for us at home to serve. When I have the opportunity to share some of the stories I read here on A Soldier’s Mind it serves to open up conversation about what is really going on because most people just accept whatever they see on the network news as fact. Hard to believe but there are still some people that do. I had a conversation last week with a co-worker and we were taking about a report that had been on the morning news. We had heard the story in 2 very different ways. When I told her what Fox had reported she said ” you mean there is more that one way to report the news?” She was serious. There shouldn’t be, but boy is there. This is not some young thing, she’s 62 and so unaware of what is really going on in our country it’s scary. I don’t mean to get in to an argument but I just try to share a point of view that they might not be hearing anyplace else. Most people are interested and I like to think that I am at least giving them somethings to consider.
    I think that when we are able to share some real truths with people we are helping our troops. They really need the American people behind them 100% as much as we need them out there fighting the good fight.

    There’s lots of ways for us to serve. Like Terri, not only has she given us her 2 fine sons as soldiers and a boyfriend but she does a great job on this site.
    A wonderful lady that lives in my area does a lot of work gathering from different sources lots of items to send to a few groups of soldiers and Marines that she has adopted as her boys. She does not have any family serving at this time but as a former military wife she wants to do what she can to make things a little bit better for those she can. She has also sent school supples for the children in the areas where her boys are. Some of the items are donated, others she buys herself. She says that most of the time when she tells the retailer what she is doing they will donate a matching amount. She has asked some companies to just pay for the postage and they are happy to. The CO of the unit she communicates with is very grateful for the donations and has said you never know when a box of chalk for the school can translate into a weapons cash location later. Kindness is often rewarded. She is serving as well.

  60. Karen on August 10th, 2007 4:59 pm

    Marcus’ book is one of the best I’ve ever read! I’ve been recommending it to everyone. I’m even reading it a second time and it’s just as good as the first. I was able to shake his hand at a recent booksigning in San Diego and was impressed that he stood and shook each person’s hand each time he autographed their book. A great guy with a lot on his mind. He really honored Mikey, Danny, Axe and the downed rescue crew by writing about their courage and fortitude. If you don’t read this book, you will be missing something special!

  61. Terri on August 10th, 2007 6:41 pm

    I have to agree Karen. Marcus is an awesome young man and I was so impressed with his plans for the proceeds from the book, which I explained in this story that I wrote after meeting Marcus myself at the book signing he did at Fort Hood. I too was quite impressed with him.

  62. Malcolm on August 11th, 2007 9:51 pm

    I just recently finished reading Lone Survivor and I must say that I have never been so excited to read a book. I knew I just had to read this book. I don’t expect Marcus will ever come near my town but if he did, I would be first in line to meet him and get my book signed. This book is fantastic!

  63. Terri on August 12th, 2007 6:00 am

    Yes, Lone Survivor is a fantastic book and should be a “must read” for every American citizen, as far as I’m concerned.

  64. Karen on August 12th, 2007 2:06 pm

    Terri, what are Marcus’ plans for the proceeds from the book? I wondered if he would use some of the proceeds to honor his friends or something similar. Just curious, as I hadn’t heard and didn’t feel I should ask him when I met him.

  65. Terri on August 12th, 2007 2:11 pm

    Glad you asked Karen. After meeting Marcus, I wrote a post about my thoughts about meeting him, which you can find here. I asked Marcus what his plans were and he was more than happy to share them. I covered that of course in the post. Everything will be donated.

  66. Bob Faunce RMC-USN-RET on August 13th, 2007 8:52 am

    This story definitely had to be told. Americans need to see what the left is actually doing to our way of life. We better think twice if we want to continue living the way our forefathers provided. God bless you, Marcus, and all the teams. God bless America.

  67. Terri on August 13th, 2007 10:31 am

    Thank you Bob for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Thank You as well Sir for your service to our country. Please feel free to stop back by the blog anytime.

  68. thebronze on August 13th, 2007 2:18 pm

    Any updates on any further book signings?

  69. Terri on August 13th, 2007 3:05 pm

    Not so far. I’ll make sure to post it just as soon as I hear anything else about further book signings.

  70. Jay on August 14th, 2007 7:38 am

    Have just finished “Lone Survivor” and would like to send a note of thanks to Marcus Luttrell. Does anyone have an email or postal address for him?


  71. Terri on August 14th, 2007 7:40 am

    Jay, I don’t have an email or postal address for Marcus. I’m working on getting something set up, where messages to Marcus can be left.

  72. Jay on August 14th, 2007 7:44 am



  73. Joy on August 14th, 2007 7:49 am

    Hi - I had asked that question, too, about an email address. I was told the only way to get a long hand note to Marcus is through the publisher - Marcus Luttrell c/o Little Brown and Co., 237 Park Avenue, NY NY 10017.

  74. Kirsten on August 14th, 2007 8:26 am

    You can write thru his publisher-
    Marcus Luttrell
    c/o Author Mail
    Little, Brown and Company
    237 Park Ave
    New York, NY 10017

  75. Tom Roderick on August 14th, 2007 8:27 pm

    any news of booktour itinery for Marcus?
    The congress may not read This Book, thank goodness our military leaders have.
    The battle for Murphy’s Ridge will reverberate through America’s soul,for it’s betterment,for decades, and then some. Dr.T in SD,CA

  76. Terri on August 14th, 2007 8:32 pm

    Tom so far I don’t have an updated itinery. Just waiting for word back from the publisher on any further dates. Will post it here as soon as I know something new.

  77. sammysolomon on August 18th, 2007 8:59 pm

    book was fantastic.. will marcus bw in metro detroit area for book signing?

  78. sammysolomon on August 18th, 2007 8:59 pm

    book was fantastic.. will marcus be in metro detroit area for book signing?

  79. Terri on August 18th, 2007 9:23 pm

    Sammy, I’m not sure at this point. I’m waiting to hear from the publisher when the next round of book signings will be and where he’ll be appearing. As soon as I know something, I’ll make sure to post it.

  80. Haole Wahine on August 18th, 2007 9:42 pm

    Remember, Marcus is coming to the TEXS BOOK Festival Nov 3/4. Terri has more info on another post.

  81. Terri on August 18th, 2007 9:53 pm

    Yes he will be. I know that a lot of people though won’t be able to come to Texas for the Book Fair. Just as soon as I get info on other dates across the country, I”ll get it posted.

  82. GEREKE on August 25th, 2007 11:54 pm

    Universal is the “Lone Survivor” in the tug of war over Marcus Luttrell’s life story. Peter Berg will adapt and direct the feature about a Navy Seal who led a team into Afghanistan on a mission to kill a Taliban leader but was the only one to survive.
    Several producers were vying for the tome, published by Little, Brown in June after Luttrell exited the service. Attorney Alan U. Schwartz of Greenberg Traurig, who helped Luttrell find a publisher for his account, arranged for the former soldier to meet with potential writers and producers for the film version of his story.

  83. GEREKE on August 25th, 2007 11:57 pm
  84. Haole Wahine on August 26th, 2007 12:06 am

    Gereke check out Terri’s post of the 23rd.

    Looks like Marcus may wind up being a much bigger draw to the TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL than anyone figured.

    Everyone but all of us, of course.

    Join us Nov 3/4

  85. Valerie on August 27th, 2007 1:57 pm

    I just finished reading Lone Survivor this weekend. The unit I work for has been alerted to deploy to Afghanistan (last time was to Iraq) and I am sending my copy to one of our Group Commanders to read. Also, I just saw a picture of Morgan taken in 2006 and in pictures, you can’t tell them apart!

    Also, I was wondering if anyone had heard anything lately about the MOH for Lt Mike Murphy? I was noticing on the announcement for a Marine that became a posthumous recipient this past January, that it had been 21 months since the incident until his award — isn’t it about that long or longer now for Murphy’s Ridge?

    Terri — please keep up what you are doing — I’m the mom of an SF Soldier and I am down in Bryan — get to Ft Hood once in a while — would love to buy you lunch and chat!

  86. Terri on August 27th, 2007 3:00 pm

    Valerie, thanks so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Please let your son know how proud of him we all are and let him know that he’ll always have our unending suppor. I sent you an email!

  87. Rosemarie Dill on September 3rd, 2007 1:43 pm

    I am SFC Muralles’s mother. Have your book, loved it. Will you be anywhere around Indiana this year. I would like it very much to get my copy signed. Thank you for your service to our country. God Bless you



  88. Jay Crutchfield on September 4th, 2007 10:17 pm

    The Bellville VFW and American Legion Posts sponsor a Veteran’s Ball each November (17th). We would like to invite Marcus to attend as our guest. Please contact me if there is interest.

  89. Gina on September 10th, 2007 4:36 pm


    Please come to Florida, stay awhile…we love you here.

  90. Ashley on September 12th, 2007 10:36 pm

    Does Marcus have a girlfriend?

  91. Terri on September 13th, 2007 4:09 am

    It’s something that I didn’t ask him Ashley. Can’t help you with that one.

  92. Michelle on September 13th, 2007 2:14 pm

    Hi there. I don’t know to whom I am writing however, perhaps someone could give me some guidance. I was one of the first “regular” people to pre-order Lone Survivor. I live in Kansas City. Somehow, I was located and interviewed by the New York Times about Marcus’ book. The story appeared a few weeks back with my little quote. I am so very proud of Marcus, and the brave men and women like him, that protect and serve our beautiful country. I’m just a mom of two little one’s who is spreading the word of his and his teammates heroism. Now to the point….it would mean the world to me if I could get my book signed. I don’t see a date or location near me and am not one to bother people when they are busy. Is there any way to perhaps send it to Marcus with a note of appreciation and return postage? Thanks to anyone who might be of assistance. Kind regards, Michelle

  93. Terri on September 13th, 2007 2:36 pm

    Michelle, I’ll do some checking and see if there are any further dates scheduled. I do know that Marcus will be appearing at the Texas Book Festival November 3rd and 4th in Austin. If I’ve not gotten any information before then, I’ll be sure to ask Marcus and perhaps he’ll give me some more dates. Thanks so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind.

  94. Michelle on September 13th, 2007 2:44 pm

    Thank so much Terri. I don’t think I can make it to Texas anytime soon with two little ones…If you do talk to Marcus and think of it, ask him if he would be willing to sign it via mail. I sure would appreciate it. I also understand how busy he is. Thanks again. Michelle

  95. Kirsten on September 14th, 2007 6:38 pm

    Wow- book is out 3 months and he’s already got groupies. Someone enquired on B5 about his “status” also- he seems like a guy who’s trying to retain a shred of privacy so I’m sure if he wanted to share that info he would…

  96. Bev Davis COL, USA, Ret on September 20th, 2007 8:26 am

    Terri, I am the Secretary of the Army Medical Department Museum Foundation at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. The Foundation has a speakers program and we would love to get Marcus to speak at the museum and do a book signing. Do you have a contact number for his agent so we can contact them and see if we can set it up? Thank you.

  97. Phil Oliver on September 20th, 2007 8:51 am

    I was with Marcus in Afghanistan and I am trying to contact him, please pass my email address onto him.

  98. Terri on September 20th, 2007 12:53 pm

    Col. Davis and Phil, I’ve passed your requests on to Marcus’s father (Pops) and asked that he get the information to Marcus. Thank you both for your service to our Country.

  99. Phil Oliver on September 20th, 2007 5:57 pm

    Thanks Terri,
    No need to thank us, it’s our honor to serve our great country. You take care of my brother - Phil

  100. Terri on September 20th, 2007 6:20 pm

    Phil, it’s an honor for me to be able to live in a country that has such noble warriors like yourself and Marcus who are willing to risk everything to fight for Freedom. I’m just glad that I can do what I’m doing here on the blog, as well as doing the job I do at Fort Hood, in order to, in a very small way, show my support and gratitude to you all.

  101. Haole Wahine on September 20th, 2007 6:24 pm


    Oh yeah, Phil’s a SEAL — recognize the “no need to thank us, it’s our honor to serve our great country.”

    Phil, we rest easier, knowing we have such honorable men servicing our country, and assuring our freedom. In your honor, we will strive to live each day of freedom to the fullest. AND we’ll NEVER FORGET.

  102. Terri on September 20th, 2007 6:25 pm

    Amen Haole, Amen.

  103. Patrick on September 22nd, 2007 4:48 pm

    Hokahay, I served with Honor in Nam wore green and served with assorted Sailors Soldiers and Marines. The Few Seals that I worked with were quiet and had a subdued persona that I attributed to “confidence”! At the time of my service virtually nothing was known of these elite warriors (Hell for that matter I never heard of the outfit I was in untill I received orders to report).
    I made it through the process and returned to civilian life I have a suggestion to Luttrel and anyothers who are in combat on a routine and continual basis. Pay attention to and be aware of the symptoms of PTSD Luttrell already has as his book certifys lots of PTSD problems.
    I am proof positive that you may function well with PTSD but I know now that IF I had been diagnosed and given help 40 years ago my life would have been different and I can only guess better.
    BM 3 M 92 2 Starboard 50 RVN 68 69

  104. Terri on September 22nd, 2007 5:00 pm

    Patrick thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Sir I would also like to Thank You for your brave service to our Country.

  105. Mary Cole on September 24th, 2007 7:08 am

    Do you know Marcus’ schedule for the rest of the year?

  106. Terri on September 24th, 2007 7:13 am

    No I really don’t Mary. I do know that he’ll be at the Texas Book Festival, the first of November, but other than that, I don’t have a schedule of the remainder of his appearances for the year.

  107. Karen on September 24th, 2007 4:36 pm

    I also want to thank you for your service in Nam. You guys didn’t get much thanks back then (or since) and I’m sorry about that. Also appreciated your comments about PTSD, which is a topic I’m very interested in and concerned about. I just read Nathaniel Fick’s book, “One Bullet Away” (almost as good as Marcus’ but none are as good as “Lone Survivor”!)and he mentioned his problems with PTSD when he returned from Iraq. With re: to people’s comments to him when he returned, he said “I was frustrated as much by respect and attempts at understanding as by unfeeling ignorance. The worst were accolades and thanks from people ‘for what you guys did over there.’” He went on to say that they had inadvertently shot kids, dropped artillery on people’s homes — was he supposed to be thanked for that? My question to you, Patrick, is, “What can civilians who DO appreciate your service and sacrifices for us and our country say to returning vets that won’t make them feel alienated? I struggle with that. Any suggestions by you or anyone on the blog would be much appreciated!

  108. Terri on September 24th, 2007 4:59 pm

    Karen, I’ve done quite a few articles here on the blog about PTSD, with lots of information about the symptoms and different treatments that seem to be working really well. If you go through the PTSD, TBI and Military Medical Issues area of the blog you can read some of the things I’ve posted before about PTSD.

  109. Terri on September 24th, 2007 5:01 pm

    Suggestions for showing our returning Troops they’re appreciated…. Become involved in various Troop Support Organizations, when you meet a Vet or a Soldier, take them time to just say Thank You (it means a lot to them), become involved with some of the Veteran Support Organizations.

  110. Gereke on September 24th, 2007 6:38 pm

    Is it possible to that someone would sell a couple of the signed copies of a soldier’s mind to me?
    I was going to try to contact the publisher by mail or email?
    Can anyone assist me in this request?
    Gereke in Houston

  111. Patrick on September 26th, 2007 10:27 pm

    Seriously Karen the storm of protest that the Viet Nam era vets returned to was pretty tough to cope with and may have added to the problems of adjustment that many of us shared.
    To be honest I was pretty reluctant to openly admit that I was a vet. Certainly a lot of people that I knew and worked with were aware that I had been in the Navy but not many knew that I had been “in country” and fewer still that I was a decorated and wounded veteran that had been in dozens of combat engagements on rivers and on the ground in Viet Nam.
    I showed my Father the various Commendations that were presented to me only three yeras ago shortly before his passing. He seemed quite proud and I remember thinking that I had screwed up by not showing these citations to him early on. But there I go yet another negative thought connected to my service, and so it is!

  112. Al on September 28th, 2007 5:53 am

    When I talk to my son about heroes with character and dignity, I will not be telling him about athletes and movie stars. I will be telling him about Marcus Lutrell and the members of his team. These are the types of people I would like my son to look at as roll models.

  113. Terri on September 28th, 2007 6:17 am

    Thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind, Al. I agree that our children should be reminded of the men and women, like Marcus and SEAL Team 10 and be taught to look up to them as Heroes, instead of athletes, movie stars and rock stars.

  114. Haole Wahine on September 28th, 2007 8:00 am

    Amen Al. May God bless you and your children as he has blessed this nation with warriors like these.

  115. mac on September 28th, 2007 8:02 am

    Please im a junior in high school and i just finished reading Lone Survivor. If there is anyway i can send Mr. Luttrell a letter it would mean the world to me. Thank you

  116. Haole Wahine on September 28th, 2007 9:15 am

    Send a letter to , and we will forward it on to the Luttrell Family

    Reply - , and we will forward it on to the Luttrell Family’); return false;”>Quote
  117. Bev Davis COL, USA, Ret on September 28th, 2007 10:05 am

    Terri, thank you for passing the information on to Marcus’ father. Like Phil, I feel honored to have been able to serve my country. Thank you for all that you do. Bev

  118. Terri on September 28th, 2007 10:11 am

    It was my pleasure Col. Davis. I passed the message on to “Pops” and he will make sure that it’s forwarded to Marcus. Thank You once again for your service to our Country.

  119. Mike Borrecco on September 28th, 2007 12:14 pm

    I just finshed reading this book and I cant explain in words how great it was. I hardly read but when i heard of this book i had to read it and couldnt put it down. Im 18 years old and a senior in Highschool, located in ABQ NM. I have wanted to be Special Forces Since I was a little boy and serve my country. This is my dream.Im recently signed for the Marines and going for Force Recon. Marcus is such an inspiration to me and I have so much respect for him and all of the Spec Ops Community. I only wish I could have the greatest honor of meeting him and shaking his hand. For all of those people who want to be in the Spec Ops, dont let anyone bring you down by what they say. If its what you want deep down then you will be it with hard work and dedication. This should be a school required book in my opinion. God bless you Marcus you have made an impact on America and Deffinetly me.

  120. Terri on September 28th, 2007 2:29 pm

    Thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind, Mike. I’d like to wish you luck in your endeavor to become part of the Marine’s Force Recon. Don’t let anything hold you back from what you wish to accomplish.

  121. Haole Wahine on September 28th, 2007 2:34 pm

    Mike, chase those dreams. They are worthy indeed. Keep checking back to aSoldiersMind. There will hopefully be some news about Marcus being at the Texas book festival in Austin Nov 3/4. He will be signing books, and be part of a presentation.

  122. Drew on September 30th, 2007 7:31 pm

    Hi I’m a freshman in highschool and have been intrested in joining the Rangers for quite some time now. I was wandering if I could talk to Marcus or anyone with knowledge in this area. I know that he was a SEAL, but i think he would be able to help me out just becuase of his expience in the Spec Ops community. After I become a Ranger I plan on going either Force Recon or Special Forces(Green Beret)so if you have any information on this or anyway i could contact him that would be wonderful.

  123. Terri on September 30th, 2007 7:58 pm

    Drew thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Follow your dreams and don’t let anything discourage you. I’ll get your message forwarded on, so that Marcus sees it.

  124. Mike Borrecco on September 30th, 2007 10:27 pm

    Thx Terri and Haole. Well let me know if he is going to be there. I cant wait until i join up. Would be nice to hear some advice from Marcus. I honestly dont know the difference between a SEAL and Force Recon. But Drew go with what you want man. Your still a Freshman so you have plenty of time. I Was in your spot. Best thing now is get good grades, workout, and stay out of trouble bro, and keep that motivation. I ship off June 2nd. Good luck to you bro. My email is if you ever have some question or what ever and read this book if you havnt already. Best book i have ever read.

    Reply - if you ever have some question or what ever and read this book if you havnt already. Best book i have ever read.’); return false;”>Quote
  125. CL Siedhoff on October 1st, 2007 9:13 am

    Thank you for protecting our freedom to live in the USA.
    Would you be willing to speak at Willis High School to the students when you are back in the area? We would be honored to have you share your story.
    Thank you and God Bless You.

  126. Terri on October 1st, 2007 9:44 am

    I will make sure to forward your message on for Marcus. Thank you so much for visiting us here at A Soldier’s Mind.

  127. Janelle Cook on October 2nd, 2007 9:27 pm

    Tony and Terri- great site. Found it a great read. All our serving troops are heroes. After reading the book, I “adopted” a soldier currently in A-stan. Whatever we can do to suupport the troops. To the Luttrell’s- as a mom of identical twins I know how special they are. I know you are proud of M&M as I am of R&R(my girls). Thank you for sharing your sons with America. Marcus, I’ve been I touch with Danny’s mom. They love you.

  128. Terri on October 3rd, 2007 4:46 am

    Thanks so much for visiting the blog Janelle. We hope that you’ll stop by often.

  129. Tim Ledwith on October 3rd, 2007 3:10 pm

    Thank You Marcus!! You made this 52 year old prison guard cry like a baby. I always knew what real combat must be like and I never knew what real combat IS like!! You Are AMERICA!!

  130. Creed on October 8th, 2007 8:37 am

    This book is a must-read for anyone in the armed forces. I have not read many books cover to cover, but this one I could not put down. Marcus, it might not be customary for enlisted to render a salute to another enlisted but I salute you, my friend.

  131. Terri on October 8th, 2007 9:11 am

    I very much agree with you Creed. The book is fantastic. Our politicians should be required to read it as well. Thank you Creed for your service to our country. I hope you’ll stop by often.

  132. Brad on October 12th, 2007 6:28 pm

    I’m a 53 year old out of shape civilian who thought he was a bad ass when he was young.

    This book made me cry like a little girl.

    Lt.Murphy Is receiving the Medal Of Honor for his actions and it will be my life’s dream to one day shake Mr. Luttrells hand and thank him for his and his team mates sacrifice for my country, me and my family.

    God Bless them all

  133. Terri on October 12th, 2007 7:13 pm

    Thank you Brad for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Marcus is a special young man and it was my pleasure to finally be able to meet him. As I get more news about appearances he may be making, I’ll be updating them here.

  134. Kelly on October 13th, 2007 11:22 am

    I just finished “Lone Survivor” — A heroic story everyone should read. I always had respect and gratitude for what our men in uniform do for our country . . . I really had no idea — with tears in my eyes and appreciation welling my heart — God bless America and the soldier who defend her.

  135. Karen from Tucson on October 13th, 2007 7:31 pm

    Many thanks to Marcus Luttrell for sharing this story, a story that we all needed to hear. Americans have been bombarded with misconceptions about our military every night that they turn on the news or open a newspaper. Words truly cannot express what an impact this book has had on me. I’m so thankful and proud of you, your team and all troops, past and present. Thank you for serving your country and being the patriot that you are. God bless you and your family.

  136. Jeff NSA Bahrain EA2 (SCW) on October 15th, 2007 12:54 pm

    I met Marcus, HM2 at the time and his brother Morgan, AO2 then in the Desert Dome in Bahrain just before the Op. Is there going to be any more book signings?

  137. Terri on October 15th, 2007 1:00 pm

    Jeff he’ll be appearing at the Texas Book Festival on November 3rd, in Austin. As far as any other signings, I’ve not gotten word of any. I’d also like to take the moment to thank you Jeff for your service to our country.

  138. Judith Rochelle on October 15th, 2007 2:37 pm

    I just read Lone survivor for the second time and was as deeply moved and tearful the second time around. This country cannot begin to repay its debt to men like Marcus who serve us with courage beyond anything we could imagine. Every politician should be forced to spend one emonths on a mission and see what it’s really like out there. I am both a reader and author of romance novels where the heroes are SEALs and Force Recon marines. I do anything I can to let people out there know of the courage and bravery of the warriors who serves us and the poiticians who damn near get them killed. Marcus, your courage and heroism are an inspiration to everyone everywhere.

  139. Terri on October 16th, 2007 9:04 am

    Ms. Rochelle thank you so much for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. I agree, we owe so much to these Heroes. I’ve said several times that Marcus’s book should be required reading for ALL our politicians.

  140. Brad on October 17th, 2007 12:08 pm

    Does anyone know if there will be any type of local ceremony to attend for Lt. Murphy on the 22nd when the MOH is awarded? If not will there be live coverage on any TV network of the ceremony itself?
    The entire nation should stop in it’s tracks for this, but it won’t.

  141. Terri on October 17th, 2007 1:27 pm

    I believe that it will be televised on the Pentagon Channel, which can be accessed online. I’m sure several of the television networks will broadcast the ceremony or at least parts of it as well.

  142. Chad Van Hoover on October 18th, 2007 9:23 pm

    I have the utmost respect for our Special Forces and what Marcus and his men went through. I am a teacher and will make this required reading in my classes.

  143. Terri on October 18th, 2007 9:25 pm

    Thank you so much Chad and I hope that more teachers will follow your lead.

  144. Laura on October 21st, 2007 6:52 pm

    I read Lone Survivor in June and havent been the same since. Thank God for men such as these. I agree with Chad, this should be required reading. I keep recommending, but wont loan out my copy! It would be nice if there was a web site that had Marcus’ schedule, I heard after the fact he was on Bill O’Reilly last night. I just happened on his interview on Glenn Beck in June, which is why I got the book. Thanks for the great web site, it is nice to hear how others feel.

  145. Terri on October 21st, 2007 6:56 pm

    Thanks for stopping by Laura. We try to keep updated as far as appearances for Marcus. I do know that he’ll be appearing at the Texas Book Festival in Austin on November 3rd. Hope you’ll stop by often.

  146. John Kenny on October 21st, 2007 11:15 pm

    Please come to Tampa Bay Florida!

  147. Joy from NYC on October 22nd, 2007 8:19 am
    Please see this article in today’s New York Times about Lt. Murphy. He’s a local boy. This story was on the CBS Early Show, I didn’t see because I was already at work, and is due to be on the CBS local news tonight. I don’t think it’s a national story - but check CBS anyway.

  148. Terri on October 22nd, 2007 8:25 am

    Thanks Joy. We did a story last Monday about the announcement that Lt. Murphy’s award of the MOH, The ceremony should be today at 2:30 pm Eastern Time at the White House. I’ll plan to watch it on the Pentagon Channel, which I can access here at work.

  149. Lou on October 22nd, 2007 4:00 pm

    I was wondering if you knew if Marcus was to attend the MOH ceremony for Lt. Murphy and if he attended the unvailing of the statue for Danny Dietz? And do you know if there are any plans for anything to be dedicated to Marcus where he lives?

  150. Terri on October 22nd, 2007 4:35 pm

    I really don’t know Lou. I’ll see what I can find out though.

  151. Tim on October 22nd, 2007 8:46 pm

    Hello all. I read “Lone Survivor” last week, and I was following up online about Lt. Murphy’s Medal of Honor ceremony today. There are clips from the ceremony up - some moving comments from his parents.

    I was a little distressed to read on the same site about the plight of the man who saved Marcus Luttrell. I’ll include the link at the end so you can read the details yourself, but Muhammad Gulab seems to be a man caught between two unfriendly worlds. He’s quoted as saying Luttrell hasn’t been in touch with him:

    “I am not sorry that I helped him,” Gulab said of Luttrell. While he said he did not save the American with the expectation of a reward, he said he hopes the U.S. will help him out of his predicament. “If they help me, they will get the reputation that they help their friends,” he said. “In general, I am very sad,” adding that he has had no contact with the SEAL he saved. “I think he has forgotten me.”

    This is a terrible endnote for “Lone Survivor,” if true, and I hope the situation can be cleared up. Here’s the link to the Newsday article:,0,3561720.story?page=1&coll=ny-entertainment-headlines

  152. Lou on October 22nd, 2007 10:23 pm

    Thanks Terri! (sorry for the misspelled “unveiling”, I was watching the ceremony on the news at the same time as writing this and didn’t hit spell check. Any way….
    I thought it was so touching in the book how Marcus was at all the families houses in the book and I wondered if he was included in the ceremonies to honor his fallen brothers. And if there are ceremonies for him I imagine the out pouring of love and support for him would be truly something to be a part of.
    I live in Washington and we have several military bases within a small distance of each other. 3 of them Naval and I bet they would love to have “The One” come for book signing. I sure hope he’s able to.

  153. Sarah on October 25th, 2007 8:37 pm

    I was just told to get this book and read it by a friend of mine currently serving his 3rd tour in Afghanistan - an Army Green Berret. So, I found this website and have been trying to catch up reading over the last few months of your notes. Just wondering if there will be a book signing anywhere near CT in the near future as I would love to get a signed copy of the book for my husband. He’s currently in his 18th year with the Navy and Navigates submarines. He also served 2 years in the Marine reserves prior to joining the Navy and was in Gulf War Part 1 on the ground back then. He will be leaving again in a few months and I thought this would be a great book to send with him as we both read A LOT and both LOVE books. He always takes a few with him when he deploys even though there isn’t much room on the sub.

    Also, there are currently 6 guys on my little Fire Dept that I volunteer with that are serving either as Army Medics, Marines and one Airforce Pilot. These guys are all my heroes. Please give Marcus my sincere thanks for serving this country.

    One of my friends came home severely wounded on his 3rd tour of Iraq (Marine Sniper) and I see him daily - the PTSD, the multiple surgeries he’s endured, the BS he’s had to go through to get the benefits he deserves - to which I have worked with him and our Congressman to get him help. It’s awful. These guys when injured just don’t seem to get enough help - financially or otherwise. My friend is only 26 years old now - most of his buddies have been killed in action - he survived. He’s been in 2 books already - 1000 Miles to Bahgdad and We were One. I just finished reading “we were one” and cried like a baby. I expect nothing less when I read the book from Marcus. I have a 6 month old baby girl now and she will know what a true hero is. As I’m typing this - game 2 of the World Series is on……yes, I like baseball. NO they are not my heroes. She will know the difference between an athlete and a true hero.

  154. Haole Wahine on October 25th, 2007 10:25 pm


    I’ve already talked with Sarah, and it’s covered. Submariner’s wife, Baseball fan. Slam dunk, right. The back pack is filling up. How ’bout those Sox!?!?!

  155. ottokin on October 29th, 2007 10:31 pm

    I have read the book, “Lone Survivor” and it was fantastic. Our 22 year old son is an active Navy SEAL and is overseas at this moment. I would like to know if there are any book signings in the future for the Delaware area. I would like to shake the hand of a hero. The son read the book also while in the middle east and advised me to read it. Needless to say, I already purchased it and was half way through it. I thank Marcus for being so open and putting into the public light, the restrictions and problems that I fine men have to endure. My hat off to all. Is the address for the publisher the ONLY way to contact Marcus?

  156. Terri on October 31st, 2007 6:45 pm

    ottokin, thanks for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Please share our heartfelt Thanks and Gratitude with your son for doing the job that he does. Not sure if Marcus will be in your area, however he will be at the Texas Book Festival this coming weekend. I won’t be able to attend, however one of our other readers will be there and will make sure he knows that you’d like to get in contact with him.

  157. Edward H. Cook on November 1st, 2007 10:34 am

    Dear Marcus. I would you to sign my copy of Lone Survivor. I will pay all fees and postage. Please tell me where to mail my book to you. With much appreciation. Edward H. Cook

  158. Edward H. Cook on November 1st, 2007 10:39 am

    I would appreciate your signing my book of Lone Survivor. I will pay all fees and postage. Please advise where I mail my book to you. The book is the best. With much appreciation..Edward H. Cook

  159. Cindy on November 2nd, 2007 2:13 pm

    Incredible story! I would like to know where Mr. Luttrell will be signing books within the United States for the next several months. I live in Colorado but I’m willing to fly almost anywhere to meet him and have him sign my book. Thank you.

  160. Terri on November 2nd, 2007 3:07 pm

    Cindy, Marcus will be in Austin tomorrow at the Texas Book Festival and will do a booksigning there. After that I’m not sure, but we’re hoping to find out if there will be more booksignings, tomorrow. I’ll keep everyone posted as we hear more.

  161. Owen on November 7th, 2007 7:12 pm

    Just finished it. All the Clancy, Ludlum, Stephen King, etc. etc. combined don’t compare (and I’ve read them all). Any NY City Area Book signings on the schedule? I am going to HOUND my large family and large network of friends until everyone reads it. Any news on Postal Address ..etc ?

  162. Terri on November 7th, 2007 7:43 pm

    I couldn’t agree more Owen. It’s a fantastic book. As of last weekend, he didn’t have any more book signings scheduled. With the Holidays coming up, I’m sure he’ll probably not have anything scheduled until those are over. You can write to Marcus, through his publisher-
    Marcus Luttrell
    c/o Author Mail
    Little, Brown and Company
    237 Park Ave
    New York, NY 10017

  163. Owen on November 7th, 2007 8:41 pm

    Thanks Terri. I know that Building, heck I could drop off mail, its about 100 yards from where I work. We can only thank Marcus for all he did to get us this story, More than ever it makes me want to slap the next person I hear complain about trivial matters,,,,, ahhh I wouldn’t do that. In death, these Men, possibly/hopefully they accomplished more than their original mission could have. Maybe this story of valor/integrity/selflessness and principle, will reach Great Amounts of people and the right people and push them to Running the Good Race.

  164. Bonnie on November 8th, 2007 7:29 pm

    INCREDIBLE!! I just finished this book last night and it has consumed my thoughts since I first picked it up. Marcus & others like him are true heroes to be looked up to….not the senseless, absurd, feeble-minded celebrities & athletes who keep racking up frequent flyer miles within the judicial system. There aren’t enough words in the English language that express my gratitude to the men and women in the military (and their families) for what they do and the sacrifices they make. I have talked this book up to everyone I know. In fact, my friends and family seem to be under the misguided impression that they can pry this book out of my hands (they’re not as smart as I thought they were!)so they can read it. There’s no way in hell I’m giving my copy up, but I will be buying it for everyone on my Christmas list. I just wish I could get them signed! I would also love to have the opportunity to personally thank Marcus for his service to our country, and to let him know that he and his family are in my thoughts and prayers!

  165. Terri on November 8th, 2007 8:01 pm

    I couldn’t agree with you more Bonnie. The book IS incredible and Marcus is an awesome young man. We’ll try to keep everyone updated as we get information on any further book signings that Marcus is scheduled for.

  166. Karen on November 9th, 2007 12:47 pm

    I haven’t talked to anyone who has read it who doesn’t feel the same way! Glad you’re getting one for everyone at Christmas. I was at a bookstore two days ago and, as I was checking out, I heard a woman behind me say to her husband, “I got ‘Lone Survivor’”. I turned around and said “That’s about the best book I’ve ever read!” and she told me that they had the audiobook but it didn’t include everything (good to know if you’re purchasing the audiobook for friends) so they wanted to read the book. Their grandson is a SEAL and they were very proud. Seems we’re all on the same page when it comes to our feelings about the book . . . and Marcus, Mikey, Danny and Axe!

  167. Bonnie on November 9th, 2007 3:45 pm

    Terri, thanks for this wonderful website and for keeping everyone updated on everything! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there will be more book signings and that one will be close to Birmingham AL

    Karen, thanks for the info on the audiobook! I’m getting that for myself so I can listen to it while at work (I’m thinking that driving while listening to it would NOT be one of my better moves!)

  168. Terri on November 9th, 2007 8:19 pm

    Bonnie I’m glad taht you like what we’re doing here at A Soldier’s Mind. I hope you’ll visit often.

  169. Joy, NYC on November 10th, 2007 8:43 am

    Hi, just wanted all to be aware that in today’s New York Times, the Westchester section, front page, is an amazing article about Lt. Michael P. Murphy. The story of “Lone Surviver” is quoted, as is Marcus. It’s a lovely article. You could probably get this article on the NYTimes web site - it’s free to join. A good reminder to remember those who serve or have served on this Vetern’s Day.

  170. Terri on November 10th, 2007 10:09 am

    Thanks Joy. I’ll have to check it out.

  171. John FT.Stewart, GA on November 14th, 2007 3:17 am

    I am currently reading Marcus’s book, and I must say I can’t put it down. From learning the rigorous training that SEALs go through to become one is amazing in itslef. Marcus’s vivd description of this training made me feels as if my own body was going through the torment that he and his fellow shipmates endured borne of will and passion alone. Marcus is a hero, not because he survived, but because he defends our rights to this day. His book portrays the reality of a war that has the media relaying a message that OUR cause is to no avail. Being a three time vet of OIF, I was glad to see that Marcus was able to portray our jobs as one of fortitude, valor, honor, and duty to our country. The political realm that harnesses the very believe of freedom, is apparent by the rules we, as soldiers, must deal with every day during combat. We don’t know who is friend or foe, and sometimes the lessons we learn by following these ROEs are ones that are learned at the ultimate price. He also touched on how our own country betrays us by the media exploiting the very freedom that we grant them by our fighting; how this media has corrupted the minds of thousands by relaying unfair images and false accusations about a soldiers struggle and the civilian casualties “over there”. Marcus is 100% right in stating: “Let us do our jobs, and it will be done and over with, and we go home!” God bless Marcus, Seal team 10, and the Luttrell family for their sacrifices and duty to this country. He makes me proud, AGAIN, to be an American, but also to be fighting a war for a cause I believe in. MArcus, you are not alone, in your beliefs!!!

  172. Terri on November 14th, 2007 5:37 am

    I couldn’t agree more, John. Thank You for YOUR service to our Country. Thanks as well for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind. Hope to see you again.

  173. Jason on November 18th, 2007 5:58 pm

    First and foremost, I just want to THANK YOU for your service. It truly is refreshing to reinforce what we already KNOW and that is that our soldiers are HEROS and not the pscho killers that the media would have us believe. My wife and I just had our first child, a baby boy named Grayson Lee White and he will grow up hearing your story and understanding the meaning of being a MAN and a HERO. I have purchased your book, but was hoping to be able to purchase an autograped copy for my son to add to our “Freedom Library”. Again, Sir, Thank You. Our country is indebted to you and all our soldiers.

  174. Jose M Morales on November 18th, 2007 6:30 pm

    Has Marcus been accepted to Medical School?

  175. Terri on November 18th, 2007 6:48 pm

    Thank you Jason for stopping by. I’ll see if I can find out if Marcus will be attending any more book signings.

    Jose, I’m not sure if he has or not. There’s no doubt in my mind though, that when Marcus is ready to go to Med School, that he’ll do extremely well. He’ll make a fine Doctor. Thanks for stopping by.

  176. Sharon Reinhardt on November 21st, 2007 9:30 am

    Thank You just doesn’t seem enough to say to Marcus. I would love to have my book signed by him if he’s going to be in Ct at anytime. I want to buy it for each of my sons. One has been in Iraq this past year and will be home for Christmas, only to have to go back. Marcus is a true Hero and the American people better wake up and realize that these men are fighting for our freedom and we gad better stand behind the troops at any cost. Believe in them and honor each and everyone of them. Thank you Marcus and bless you and your whole family. Sincerely, Sharon

  177. Mandi on November 23rd, 2007 12:29 pm

    Thanks for this awesome website. I just finished reading “Lone Survivor” and I also found it difficult to put down. My husband was a SEAL during the first war in Iraq (prior to our marriage) and he requested that I order this book for him after he heard about it on TV. I ordered it, then searched online to see what it was about. As soon as it arrived, I had to read it. Everything I read online was amazing and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the book. I even offered to go buy another copy since I had stolen this one from my husband. He still hasn’t had the chance yet to read it. I just wish I would have read it sooner. I live near Ft.Hood and I would LOVE the opportunity to meet Marcus, thank him for his service and for this amazing book.

  178. Daniel Maerzluft on November 25th, 2007 11:52 am

    I would just like to say Thank you Mr. Luttrell. I just finished chapter one in your book, and heard your interviews with Glenn Beck. You have your head on straight and I am proud to have you and the Teams around to do what most cannot. In chapter one of Lone Survivor, you bring up the ROE and the Liberal media. You could not be anymore correct on your thoughts. It is pathetic that a bunch of political suits could possible control how our armed forces do their jobs. We, as Americans, are a good and decent people, and our military has very few bad eggs. We only weaken our country by tying the hands of our military. And, to prosecute, as murderers, our elite for defending our country and their lives fighting a heartless, no-rules hateful enemy like we now see is pathetic. I support our military 150% or more and thank you all for your service and sacrifice. Thank you Marcus, and thank your Teams. You are respected and loved.
    Daniel Maerzluft

  179. Daniel Maerzluft on November 25th, 2007 11:55 am

    Finally, a book from a true warrior for freedom…thank you and your team.

  180. Sharon Neal on November 26th, 2007 1:52 pm

    What a great book, true heroes all. Thank you Marcus and all those who have sacrificed for our freedom.
    Sharon Neal
    Pensacola, FL

  181. DJ Taylor on December 1st, 2007 7:26 pm

    I read Mr. Luttrels book and, am presently doing a book report on it. This is the hardest book to do this on! How are you supposed to summarize a book where every word is important! This book struck a chord with me since I am an Eagle Scout and hope to be attending a military service acadamy in a few years (who knows maybe even special forces). Thank you for your service and for the wonderful people out in Texas who put this site together (although we here in Bakersfield California do make better county music!).

    DJ Taylor -15
    Bakersfield, California

  182. Drew Nations on December 3rd, 2007 4:42 pm

    DJ, what service academy to you plan on attending, I plan on attending one too.
    Then I also plan on going into either Green Berret or SEALs after I attend Ranger School.

  183. Bryan Ritt on December 3rd, 2007 11:04 pm

    I would like to know if there is anyway Mr. Luttrell could contact me at the email that was provided I am a Navy SEAL hopeful and I just had some questions I would like to ask.

  184. DJ Taylor on December 5th, 2007 12:41 am

    Drew, I am planning to apply to all of them but am hoping to get into the marine division of the naval academy. If I dont fly then ill go into infantry and if it all works out either go into a recon division of marines or special forces.

  185. Rob on December 9th, 2007 10:36 pm

    Where do I begin. Lone Survivor is the single greatest book I have ever read. Marcus takes us through his every movement, every breath while on that mountain in Afghanistan. Marcus, if you are by some chance reading this, THANK YOU! Thank you for your patriotism, thank you for your unwaivering spirit, thank you for your determination in the face of the enemy. I live in NY and 9/11 had a major effect on my life. MY brother in law was injured and we lost a family friend on that tragic day. Mr. Luttrell, you embody a U.S Soldier, you embody courage and you earned the respect and admiration of your country. I know I speak for the entire country when I say we are proud of you!

  186. Justin James on December 13th, 2007 8:31 am

    I would like to say thank you for allowing me to read this book. Marcus and the men that fought and died and are still fighting represent everything that is good in this great country. I read the book in just two days and immediately bought another to give to my best friend who then read it in two days. Could not put it down. Every American should be required to read Lone Survivor. My three boys 11, 9, and 4 will one day read it. With the exception of the Bible it is truly the greatest book I have ever read. I cheered, cried and ultimately swole with pride. I even contacted an old highschool buddy who graduated with me in 1988 and later became a SEAL, I haven’t him since Graduation night, just to tell him thankyou. Please thank Marcus for his sacrifice and let him know that his fallen teamates will forever be in our hearts and minds every time I see Old Glory and hear the National Anthem play. Finaly, will there ever be a chance to have Marcus sign my copy of Lone Survivor close to Shreveport, Louisiana? - Justin James.

    Reply - ‘); return false;”>Quote
  187. Craig on December 14th, 2007 3:29 pm

    I was sceptical when I saw this book (CD version)in the bookstore but one day decided to pick it up and try it. I have over a 3 1/2 hour commute everyday for work and have picked up dozens of books on CD to ease the pain of driving since I started this job. I have no problem saying that this is by far the best book I’ve ever read. I can’t say that I am an emotional person but I did go through every emotion possible, including crying my eyes out on this mornings drive as I listened to the last CD.

    Thanks Marcus for what you’ve done. I have a brother who is life time Army officer and I now have 3 marine nephews. I will be sure to pass the word that they need to buy your book. I hope to meet you someday. I live just outside of New Orleans, please let me know if you are ever in the area.


  188. A Fan on December 16th, 2007 1:04 pm

    wush he could come to chicago so I could meet him!! =] true hero!!

  189. Justin James on December 17th, 2007 10:50 am

    Is the book tour over? Will Marcus be close to Shreveport, La at any point in time?

  190. Terri on December 17th, 2007 3:48 pm

    Justin I really don’t know if Marcus will be continuing to tour or not. My best suggestion is to check his publisher’s website for a list of any more book tours.

  191. Justin James on December 17th, 2007 6:02 pm

    Thanks for getting back with me Terri, do you have the website for the publisher? Thanks again

  192. Terri on December 17th, 2007 6:23 pm

    You’re welcome. They’re website is located .

  193. Sean on December 20th, 2007 8:52 pm

    I just would like to shake Marcus Lutrells Hand one day and just say thank you. You make me proud to be a AMERICAN..Joe Montana was my “Hero” before,,you have just stepped in and earned that honor sir!! If he is ever gonna be in Northern Calif. signing books I sure would like to meet him… Merry Christmas….Sincerely Sean Sheridan

  194. Scott Bennett on December 27th, 2007 1:58 pm

    Have read your book for what is now the third time and have given several copies to worthy family, freinds, and teammates. This book has been a guiding light, and insight to everyone I know who has read it - Would you please consider a signing in Charlotte, NC??

  195. Cory on January 10th, 2008 1:08 pm

    The book is fantastic. I’m in the Marine Corps in NC and I didn’t find out about the book until a little before Thanksgiving, 07. I really hope Marcus will consider doing another tour, and hopefully come by NC again.

  196. Aaron Snyder on January 15th, 2008 11:04 pm

    I cannot begin to express my admiration for Marcus Luttrell or the men that gave their lives up on Murphy’s ridge that day. I was in the Marines from 2002-2006 as an 0311. I had the opportunity to attend cold weather SERE school while in, and I can’t imagine the bravery and wits it took for Mr. Luttrell to endure what he went through. My only regret, was that I wish I had stuck with my original plan and enlisted with Navy under the SEAL Challenge contract. There is something about the caliber of SEALs, that just stands out from any other SO group in our military. These men are TRUE HEROS.

  197. Sean on January 19th, 2008 11:27 pm

    Terri I just got this book in Dec and had never heard of it before. I have to say I couldn’t put it down. I was wondering if you could help me contact Marcus to see if I could send him my copy and he could sign it for me? If so please respond to my comment. thanks

  198. Terri on January 21st, 2008 6:23 am

    Sean the best way to contact Marcus would be through his publisher. Here’s the link to their website, Hatchett Book Group

  199. Steve McMurtry on January 25th, 2008 9:22 am


    I’ve been a SEAL since 87 and graduated in Class 148. I was an advanced MOUT/CQB Instructor at SEAL Team 2 with Scott Swann 98-2001 before I got a commission, and due to some serious injuries that were getting worse I moved over to Aviation. Tough choice but it has worked out for the best.

    I have a First Class Petty Officer that works for me that has a Police Chief friend in Huntsville, Texas who would like to schedule you for a public speaking event. I don’t have all the details yet but will get more as the week progresses. If you are interested you can contact me on my cell at 360-929-9476 or at work 504-678-3621. Or just email me back. You’re a great example for the Teams and the young kids coming up. All the best and God bless you and your, Steve

  200. Amy Wolda Bush on February 12th, 2008 4:37 pm


    I am the widow of Daniel Wolda and I wanted to you to know that I have read your book. Danny had a lot of respect for you and your ambitions while at Sam Houston and I know he would have been even more proud of you now. Thank you for serving our country and protecting us.

    Amy Wolda Bush

  201. Jason Birchfield on February 12th, 2008 9:43 pm

    I was at Bagram in ‘05 when all this happened. I just finished hi book and it brought back alot of old feelings. How can I get my booked signed…


  202. Bill Blanchette on March 16th, 2008 10:42 pm

    I’m 16 and just read Mr. Lutrell’s book and have to say it is truly amazing. I’ve always had a good Patriot spirit in me, but this just made it even stronger. I hate see this anti America movement happening now. every time I turn it seems to get stronger. I’m sure Mr. lutrell had hear this many times, but I truly thank him for his courage and those in Iraq.

  203. Heidi Brucki on March 19th, 2008 1:13 am

    I finished reading The Lone Survivor recently and I was wondering why there was never a book signing in the Mid-West area? From the moment I started reading the book, I hated to put it down. What an amazing book! I would so much like to have the chance to meet Marcus Luttrell and get my book signed? It would be such an honor! Would this ever be a possibility? I haven’t stopped thinking about him and his strong will to never quit for 2 months now. Please keep me posted! Thank-you!

  204. Mike Boos on April 9th, 2008 5:37 pm

    I’m sitting here, listening to Glenn Beck interview John Voight, and they are discussing a movie, based on Marcus’ book. Most of us here on this site do not personally know Marcus, but rest assured we are proud of him and for him.

  205. Karen on April 9th, 2008 9:39 pm

    I didn’t see that interview. When is the movie coming out and what is the title? Can’t wait to see it, ‘though nothing can top the book!


  206. Terri on April 10th, 2008 3:14 am

    I’m looking forward to the movie as well. Would love to listen to the interview as well.

  207. Lance on April 10th, 2008 8:22 am

    After all that Marcus has already done for our country it’s no place of mine to ask for any more, but if he would continue a book tour or some kind of appearances I think he could do an amazing service just to let more youth like myself hear his story and to recognize him as a true American hero. I would love to have an opportunity to meet him and to have a moment to shake his hand would be something I would never forget.

  208. Terri on April 10th, 2008 7:23 pm

    Currently Marcus is touring with Vets For Freedom National Heroes Tour. He’s also busy with things involving the movie, so I’m not sure when or if he’ll be doing more in the way of book tours. If you get the opportunity to attend one of the National Heroes Tour stops, not only will you be able to hear Marcus speak, but several other of our Heroes as well. It would be well worth it to attend one of the events if you possibly can.

  209. Trish on April 11th, 2008 1:14 pm


    Inspired by the book “Lone Survivor”, by Marcus Luttrell, and by Bob Woodruff’s experience, the Civilian Coin Challenge challenges civilians to express their gratitude directly to military personnel by continuing a military tradition of presenting a coin as a badge of honor. The coin represents American civilian recognition of honor, respect, and gratitude to U.S. Military personnel for what they do for every American civilian. The profit from the sale of the Civilian Coin Challenge coins will be donated to improve medical care for wounded military personnel.

    As I am about the launch the project, which is a direct result of the book “Lone Survivor”, I am trying to contact Marcus. (I have tried to contact him through his publisher but have no idea if the information got to him.) The coins are sequentially numbered. Of course, #1 is being given to my father. I have reserved coin #2 for Marcus Luttrell and would like the opportunity to present it to him personally and have reserved coins 4-22 for the families of the men that died that day.

    Please let me know if you can help me contact him!

    I can be contacted through:

  210. Terri on April 12th, 2008 5:33 am

    What a great idea. I’ll see if I can get your information to Marcus. I know he just finished up the National Heroes Tour with Vets For Freedom, and don’t know what’s coming up on his agenda, but will try to get the information to him. Thanks for what you’re doing to honor our Troops.

  211. Trish on April 12th, 2008 7:52 am

    I would really appreciate any help you can give me. I am trying to do this alone and do not want any recognition for it. If you read the history of the CCC on the website it explains further why I am doing this. The coin will provide recognition for military personnel and the money will go to improve medical care for the wounded. The whole civilian/military network is new to me. Any ideas on how to get the word out?
    Feel free to email me and I can give you a phone number.

  212. Steve Dean on April 12th, 2008 11:30 am

    Monday May 26 Memorial Day 10 AM in Gilmer Tx we plan to honor Billy Machen Gilmer native who was first Navy Seal KIA in Vietnam.
    We’d like for Marcus to come to Gilmer and be our guest speaker at the Memorial Day program.

    Please ask Marcus to contact me.

    Steve Dean cell 902 790-7435
    P.O. Box 610
    Gilmer, TX 75644

  213. Terri on April 13th, 2008 9:52 am

    Steve, I’m not sure what kinds of things that Marcus has on his agenda. What I can do is forward on your information through the channels and go from there.

  214. Zach Greenwood on April 18th, 2008 5:26 pm

    they got that sonofabitch mullah ismail. god bless you and all of the military. HOOYAH

  215. navy seal josh rich on April 20th, 2008 9:40 pm

    [...] [...]

  216. marcus luttrell pictures 2008 on May 5th, 2008 10:33 am

    [...] 5 autographed marcus luttrell books. … c/o his publisher: marcus luttrell c/o Little, Brown … For Freedom National Heroes Tour In Texas While the anti-war nutjobs are getting themselves [...]

  217. marcus luttrell on May 17th, 2008 6:32 am

    [...] story, ….. I would so much like to have the chance to meet marcus luttrell and get my book … Marcus Luttrell is “The One” - Sole Surviving Navy SEAL of …… One” is US Navy SEAL [...]

  218. Christopher-Martin Serna on May 26th, 2008 4:45 am

    I just wondered if you would relate this to my new hero who is only a few years older than I am and also a fellow TEXAN except I’m nowhere as tall, but almost as heavy (I’M A BODY BUILDER), I’m so glad he made it off that mountain so we can all celebrate who is Marcus Luttrell, a great man to me, even bigger than the president in my eyes. I would love to meet him just to render to him a well deserved hand salute out of respect, love, and admiration and to shake his hand. Maybe he can come back to Iraq and do a book signing here. I’m stuck here till 09. “Marcus, brother, you are my hero and I’m glad you’re home. I feel your pain over the loss of your team mates, but God chose you to make it off that mountain, I know this. He is also with Morgan everyday. God bless you even though I’m not a religious man, I know there is God and he watches us 24/7, and thank God your home.” Please tell him that for me. I loved the book by the way.

    Hooah! Army Strong..should I say Marcus Strong


  219. Terri on May 27th, 2008 2:12 pm

    SPC Serna, THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice. Stay safe and know that we’ll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  220. Karen on May 27th, 2008 8:36 pm

    SPC Serna, Thanks so much for your service and sacrifices for us here at home. I read some parts of the book again (for about the fourth time) yesterday, as I was thinking a lot about Mikey, Axe and Danny on Memorial Day. Does anyone know how Marcus is doing these days, i.e., I hope the PTSD is getting better. I’m sure writing the book and working on the movie has been good therapy for him. Stay safe and stay cool, Christopher!

  221. Trish on May 27th, 2008 11:07 pm

    Just FYI: Marcus Luttrell did an interview at Pritzker Military Library in Chicago on May 19th. The podcast is available at It’s a great opportunity to hear Marcus tell his story.

    Reply - It\’s a great opportunity to hear Marcus tell his story.’); return false;”>Quote
  222. Judy Carter on June 12th, 2008 5:07 pm

    Can’t wait to read your book! We are in prayer daily for our troops in the 3rd ID at Ft. Stewart who depart for Iraq just a few blocks from our house. You would make a great speaker as encourager and supporter of the mission they are called to fulfill. What’s your fee? It was your picture on the back of USAA Magazine that caught my eye. You need to be my son-in-law! You are the spit’n image of my father and could be my son as you look so much like him, also a Navy man. But it’s my beautiful daughter I want you to meet…a Fairfax County school teacher, patiently waiting for Mr. Absolutely Right! You may be him, Marcus. Send me your full resume…particularly your faith posture because even as gorgeous and talented as she is, she is most particular that her Mr. Right be a solid Christian!

  223. Tracy Jaeger on June 14th, 2008 7:12 am

    I just finished this book and I cant say enough about how touched and proud of Marcus and our Fighting Men. What a truly wonderful man he is and I can not wait to be able to share his book. Thank you Marcus for everything you have done for our country! I remember this happening and I wept with the nation, I am proud to finally know and humbled at his struggles. I thank the Lord for the Men like Marcus who have put their lives on the line for our wonderful country.

  224. BU2 (SCW) Sculley on June 17th, 2008 4:05 pm

    I dont know if you read this forum but will write as if you do. Your book is an inspiration and an honor to your fallen brothers..”All gave some, some gave all.” . We are from the same neck of the woods or rather the piney woods and arrived in Ar Ramadi at the same time(so says your book)..That was a helluva push…I’m sure we crossed paths at one of those combat outposts we were setting up all over Ramadi then or at Corregidor or Camp Ramadi. As being someone who has also seen men fall in combat (not nearly as intense as your experience) I appreciate your book and your courage. I know I sure did appreciate the SEALs whatching our backs from the 4th floor of “Firecracker” or 17th street security station and other COPs ….who knows, maybe you were one of the frogmen who got us out of a pinch out there. What im trying to say is that you have impacted people’s lives in a very significant way….ways you might not know and that is why I felt compelled to get a message to you after about 20 min. ago finishing your book. You should see about getting your book out here in the CENTCOM area…as much as I have reccomended Lone Survivor to my buddies I do not know how long I will be able to hang on to this copy that my dad gave me. I know your a busy guy but I would enjoy chatting with you if you ever got the chance…Keep hard chargin’ and of course….God bless Texas. Especially the “Right” side of Texas.
    BU2 (SCW) Sculley

  225. Jacqueline Jones on July 3rd, 2008 1:55 pm

    Is Mr. Luttrell married or attached? As a military bratt I would be able to help him heal and offer comfort and support. I heard about his book through my USAA membership pub. I have not read the book yet, but have gone on line and watched the videos/interviews. There are so few REAL and humble men in this world, that it is good to know he is alive and well. I feel his mission is to tell the real truths about this war and how it affects so many of us in a direct or indirect way; civilians have no idea. Pls. forward my best to him I hope he can find peace and enjoy every day of his life… And seriously, if he is not attached and he may be int. pls hook us up, will be happy to send a pic. God Bless America!!!!

  226. Jacqueline Jones on July 3rd, 2008 1:56 pm

    Ok, just let him know. thks

  227. Terri on July 3rd, 2008 2:05 pm

    Jacqueline, our blog isn’t a dating service. I’m sure the last thing Marcus wants is for someone to try to “hook him up” with anyone. I think I’ll let him make those decisions on his own. Sorry…

  228. Monica on July 6th, 2008 8:30 pm

    I just finished the book. It was unreal. I see that I unfortunately missed the book signing in DC. Do you know if he will be making any other appearances this year?

  229. Terri on July 7th, 2008 3:43 am

    I really don’t know what Marcus’ schedule is like as far as book signings this year.

  230. Monica on July 8th, 2008 5:36 pm

    Okay, thanks for getting back to me… I really appreciate it. If you hear of anything just let me know. Thanks!

  231. rob from uk on July 12th, 2008 5:16 am

    Hi, Well having just read the book written by Mr Luttrell i am in shock this book total gripped me and i was unable to stop rading it. I obviously wont be able to meet MR LUTTRELL but if ant one who reads this does meet him tell him if the brits had more service men like him the tallaban would be gone. The book had me totaly there on those mountains & when it came to Murphy ridge i found myself crying wishing to change the outcome but new i could not. TOTALY AMAZING.

  232. Clint on July 13th, 2008 8:58 pm

    Im just curious, which Borders bookstore will Marcus be at in Dallas on July 27th? Im in high school and ever since I heard his story, marcus and his team have been my hero. I have to meet this man because he has inspired me to become a SEAL!

  233. Terri on July 14th, 2008 3:39 am

    Clint that was last July 27th. As far as I know he’s not doing many book tours at the moment. Sorry.

  234. Private Woodcock on July 19th, 2008 1:09 am

    You say in your book that the liberals would be certain that “breaking” the Rules Of Engagement by “How about when a bunch of guys wearing colored towels around their heads and brandishing AK-47s comes charging over the horizon straight toward you? Do you wait for them to start killing your team, or do you mow the bastards down before they get a chance to do so? The situation might look simple in Washington, where the human rights of terrorists are often given high priority. And I am certain liberal politicians would defend their position to the death. Because everyone knows liberals have never been wrong about anything. You can ask them. Anytime.”

    After that being quoted i would like to mention that i am in the Montana Army National Guard and a liberal. I would disagree with you on the fact that ALL liberals would say the ROE had been broken. Or that the liberals are more worried about the terrorists. I think the terrorists deserve justice, but also not all liberals think along the lines that you say they do in the book.

    That being said i respect greatly what you did and your sacrifice. Good hunting

    Private Woodcock

  235. Nicole on July 27th, 2008 6:51 pm

    From time to time you some across the generic, “if you could meet anyone in the world” question. It was not until I read Mr Luttrell’s book that I now have someone that I would probably travel to meet.
    My husband is a firefighter here in Austin and I have nerver… let me rephrase NEVER, seen him cry. Mind you, he delivered my children and have seen 2 very close people to him pass,- but NEVER until we read this book did I see him sob.
    The media presents a very different side to this war, as well as presidential candidates. I will avoid the inevitible debate, but will note that this book has become a powerful tool in enlightening the minds of some of our more Obama-leaning friends.
    We should avoid labeling Mr Luttrell as a “hero”, but rather as a fellow patriot; one who did and saw what the majority of us will be spared of seeing. I of course mean no disrespect, but think that, SEAL’s in particular, take up arms and jump in front of bulletts as readily as a Mom or Dad would their newborn or 79 year old. A patriot whose fight has only just begun.
    We extend our deepest empathies to you, Mr Luttrell. You and EVERY fallen patriot.
    The Mitchell Family
    Austin, Texas

  236. Ed Dennis on July 29th, 2008 4:34 pm

    Do you have Marcus’ book tour schedule after the end of July? I live in Alabama and would like to get him to autograph my copy of his book. Does he plan to tour in either Mississippi, Alabama or Georgia anytime soon? Thanks for any assistance.

  237. Terri on July 29th, 2008 4:58 pm

    I’m sorry Ed, but this book tour schedule was from last summer when Marcus was touring and doing book signings. I don’t know of any current tours for Marcus.

  238. Scott Thompson on August 3rd, 2008 10:58 pm


    I just finished reading Lone Survivor this afternoon. I read the last 160 pages non-stop today alone.

    As a graduate of California State University Chico, it struck me to find out at the end of the book that Marcus Luttrell came to Chico to pay his respects to Axelson’s family. Through further investigation this evening, I learned that Axelson was also a graduate of California State University Chico.

    This book has really hit home to me and Axelson has become a personal hero. I live in Lodi, CA now but when I go home in a couple weeks I will try to find his place of rest to pay my respects.

    I have a friend of mine whom I went to jr. high school and high school with in Chico who is a SEAL right now and reading the section about going through BUD/S helped me to understand and appreciate what my buddy went through.

    God Bless you Mr. Luttrell.

  239. Travis on August 6th, 2008 9:45 am

    Does anyone know if Marcus by any chance reads these postings? I just read his book and it was the best book I have ever read. As an American serviceman myself I am honored and truely greatful for his service and sacrifices. As well as those of his teamates.

    As a fellow Texan I also have this overwhelming feeling that I should and would like to make a pilgramige to Huntsville to meet Mr. Luttrell, thank him for everything he has done, and just chat with him. I’m sure he is busy but if that were ever possible I would love to do it.

    His book has inspired me on so many levels. Marcus Luttrell and his teamates are heros. And as a previous poster said mentioned. I plan on teaching my son what real hero/role models is and it sure as hell is not an athlete, actor, etc. It is individuals such as Marcus and his teamates.

    Thanks again, and if anyone reading this knows how I can get ahold of Marcus or have him get ahold of me I would be greatful.

    Travis Powell

  240. Terri on August 6th, 2008 4:25 pm

    Travis, I’m not sure how often Marcus checks the blogs that have written about him, but I do know that he occasionally is able to. Right now I believe that he’s pretty tied up with the movie and other things, but we’ll try to get your information to him. Thank you Travis for your service as well. We appreciate you.

  241. Travis on August 11th, 2008 6:38 am

    Movie? Are they making a movie based on his book? I was thinking after reading the book that there needed to be a movie about it.

  242. Tracy Henry on August 12th, 2008 8:33 pm

    *Terri, nice work responding to all of these postings!

    -First, thank you, Marcus, for surviving and honoring your team mates by sharing this incredible story. Mikey, Axe & Danny will be remembered forever.
    -Marcus, your book is one of the most gut-wrenching… Honestly, I had trouble sleeping some nights because I just couldn’t stop thinking about the whole thing. Especially, issues you shared regarding the liberal media, ROEs, the loss of your SEAL team brothers, and those unrelenting nightmares. The chapters detailing BUD/S training were also quite remarkable. You & Patrick Robinson have definitely inked one for the history books.
    -I have two sons… one, a junior in college, wants to join the Air National Guard upon graduation. The other, a college freshman and a 2002 Little League World Series baseball champ, is also considering the military. I am so proud of them and I, too, believe it is important they know who the real “HEROES” are… Soldiers like you & Morgan, and our other supreme patriots that sacrifice their lives for OUR freedom. I offer my sincere gratitude to all of you that have served or are serving to protect us and our U.S.A.

    God bless you & your family, Marcus. We hope one day to have the good fortune of crossing your valiant path.

    -Tracy Henry
    Louisville, KY

    *Terri, do you know if Marcus receives any letters via his publisher? I also included one to his Mom & Pops. Or, would you possibly be able to forward them copies via e-mail?

  243. Kelly Shorb on August 15th, 2008 2:45 pm

    I wrote Marcus a letter and sent it to his publisher. Is there anyway to get a message forwarded directly to him? I would appreciate it so much. Thank you.

  244. Kylie on August 16th, 2008 10:24 pm

    Hi Terri!

    My name is Kylie Williams. I was Miss Florida 2007 and as such, had a platform of Realistic Support for Our Troops, Inc. (my own non-profit). The FL Dept. of Vet. Affairs asked me to travel their state as “Ambassador for Veterans Advocacy” and I’ve even traveled to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to entertain the troops over the Christmas holidays in 2007. I stated all of this so you would know this is a serious inquiry. Do you know how much it would cost to get Marcus to Florida and if he is even available at this time (with the movie and all)? We (the FL Dept of Vet. Affairs) are doing a fundraiser for veterans and have a small budget. We would love to have him come speak, but wanted to know if we could afford him.

    Thank you so much! God Bless!

    Kylie Williams
    Miss Florida 2007

  245. Terri on August 17th, 2008 12:25 pm

    Kylie, I’ll see if I can’t get in touch with him and have him contact you. Keep in mind though, that I’m not going to guarantee anything.

  246. Kelly Cooke on August 22nd, 2008 11:28 am

    Will Marcus Luttrell be doing anymore book tours or appearances? My brother would really like a his copy of Lone Survivor signed?

  247. Kylie Williams on September 5th, 2008 1:40 pm

    @Terri -
    Thank you so much! Best means of communication is via the email address provided. I understand and respect his busy schedule either way and wish you and him both best of luck in all you do!

    Kylie Williams
    Miss Florida 2007

  248. paul brown on September 25th, 2008 1:11 pm

    He will not be in my area but I just heard him speak and wow was it unbleavable. I did not know he was going to speak so I did not have a book to get signed. Do you know how I can get a signed book?

  249. paul brown on September 29th, 2008 10:30 am

    how can I get a signed book

  250. Terri on September 29th, 2008 12:57 pm

    Mr. Brown I’m not sure when Marcus will be doing any more book signings. If I hear of any, I’ll make sure and post it here.

  251. Mary Boyle on October 2nd, 2008 10:21 am

    Dear Marcus,
    If you’re in Savannah, GA anytime in the future we should catch up. I was thinking something somewhat formal, I’ll wear a white dress you a tux and let’s invite our families to a Saturday afternoon gathering in a local church!
    -Mary Boyle
    All jokes aside, I think you are a huge stud. I have three older in brothers in the Marine Corps. and I am well aware of what huge sacrifice that line of work demands as well as the strain it puts on each individual member of a family. I’m so thankful you wrote your book so the rest of the world can get a glimpse into that life.

  252. Michael Richardson on October 9th, 2008 8:16 pm

    My friend purchased your book, Lone Survivor, for his father last Christmas. I recently purchased a copy myself while in our local Borders bookstore, and have been unable to put it down. As an American patriot and Navy veteran myseslf, I salute you, your team, and all you stand for. Your book brought many emotions to a head during various stages of reading, and I am not afraid to say that I did cry at the loss of your comrads, even though I already knew their fate before even bought the book. If you are ever in the Northern Central valley of California, I would be honored to shake your hand and have you sign my copy of your book. As I currently run security for a small nightclub, I’d even be grateful for you to have a beer on me. You may shy away from the recognition, but the fact of the matter is that you are a hero, and whether you think it to be luck or the hand of God Himself that brought you back, there are many of us Americans who would have never been able to bear the cross you had to that day. Once again, I salute you, and thank you as well.

  253. JR Schembre on October 11th, 2008 3:48 pm

    Thank you. If I may ever be of service to you, don’t hesitate to contact me.

    JR Schembre, MSgt USAF retired

  254. Robert L. Gilbert Jr. on October 11th, 2008 7:27 pm

    Finished your book in one day…I have no words, God Bless you and your Firends Axe, Mike and Dan! True American Heroes. Would like for you to meet my family. Especially my wife. She was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer about 20 months ago. She is fighting to survive for our 4 daughters! As you know, life is precious and sweet and sometimes unfair. She is a fighter and a former world class athlete who has been inducted to our college hall of fame! If you have the time and inclination would love to have you over as a welcomed guest. Contact by email if you can, if not, God Bless you and God Bless the U.S.A.

    Bob Gilbert

  255. Jason Small on October 14th, 2008 10:09 am

    Does anyone have any updates on this posting from last year?

    —-copied and pasted

    “Tim on October 22nd, 2007 8:46 pm

    Hello all. I read “Lone Survivor” last week, and I was following up online about Lt. Murphy’s Medal of Honor ceremony today. There are clips from the ceremony up - some moving comments from his parents.

    I was a little distressed to read on the same site about the plight of the man who saved Marcus Luttrell. I’ll include the link at the end so you can read the details yourself, but Muhammad Gulab seems to be a man caught between two unfriendly worlds. He’s quoted as saying Luttrell hasn’t been in touch with him:

    “I am not sorry that I helped him,” Gulab said of Luttrell. While he said he did not save the American with the expectation of a reward, he said he hopes the U.S. will help him out of his predicament. “If they help me, they will get the reputation that they help their friends,” he said. “In general, I am very sad,” adding that he has had no contact with the SEAL he saved. “I think he has forgotten me.”

    This is a terrible endnote for “Lone Survivor,” if true, and I hope the situation can be cleared up. Here’s the link to the Newsday article:,0,3561720.story?page=1&coll=ny-entertainment-headlines

  256. MEGGAN on October 17th, 2008 10:26 am

    Is there a book tour or any event that Marcus is doing in or near Wisconsin either for the rest of this year or next?

  257. Adriana on October 17th, 2008 10:54 am

    I was honored yesterday I was able to hear Marcus speak at the Texas Woman’s Conference yesterday and meet him!!! He is a very brave and courageous man. My heart felt bad when he spoke about why did he not die and I truly believe it was so America could hear his story and know the truth! Marcus did not sugar coat anything and we need to hear the truth!!. I hate the fact that the media does NOT give the fact’s out about the war and we are not taking better care of our soldier’s!!!

  258. Jess on October 21st, 2008 9:45 am

    I got the chance to meet Marcus at the Texas Conference for Women, and let me just say, HE IS AMAZING!!!!! He was such a gentleman and took time with every single person in line to say hi and chat for a little. I met a girl who’d gone to school with him and she said that he and his brother are the nicest guys you will ever meet. I got a hug, a picture and a personally signed book, he is the absolute best! I have a Marine older brother and my baby brother is joining the Army to be an Airborne Ranger, so, GOD BLESS TEXAS AND THE GOOD GUYS! We love you all!

  259. Marie Underdown on October 26th, 2008 4:01 pm

    What are the dates for Marcus upcoing speaking/book signing engagements in Texas?

  260. Terri on October 27th, 2008 4:01 am

    Marie as far as I know, Marcus isn’t touring right now. The dates above are for 2007.

  261. Sgt. R.E. Yantorno Jr. on November 3rd, 2008 3:59 pm

    Just finished “Lone Survivor”. I was sitting in my patrol car alongside the roadway when I came to the part the family was informed that he was rescued I got tears and chills. What a wonderful moment for the family. Is anyone doing a big screen adaptation of this story of valor?

  262. Terri on November 3rd, 2008 5:35 pm

    Thanks for stopping by A Soldier’s Mind Sgt. Yantorno. The answer to your question is that Yes they are doing a movie based on the book and Marcus of course is working closely with the director on it.

  263. Susan on November 4th, 2008 12:45 pm

    Today is Nov. 4, 2008 and it is voting day. While I waited in line to vote, I was reading LONE SURVIVOR, which I am half way through. As I looked around I wondered just how many people know how privileged the USA is to have men and women defend our country be willing to lose their lives to keep us safe and free. One thing that stood out for me, and I agree with Marcus Luttrell, is the fact that our highly trained service men/women do not have the right to make qualified decisions on the battle field as to who is the “bad guy”.

    I will forever be humbled and honored by the men from Seal Team 10.

    May God bless us with the right President who will lead us and keep us free from harm.

  264. Fran on November 13th, 2008 2:25 pm

    Marcus and his fellow Seals are true American Heroes. It is such an injustice that these patriots had to come to the realization that the only way to save themselves would be against the ROE. I’m writing a paper in school to bring this issue into the minds of my fellow students and Americans. We have a responsibility to voice our concerns that the rules of engagement are too strict and are not in the best interest of our soldiers. They’re putting them in terrible situations. Does anyone have Marcus’s email address or contact information so that I might be able to contact him and recieve his opininion as a primary source? Thank you, USA all the way

  265. Christian on November 16th, 2008 9:05 pm

    I am a junior in highschool and i have wanting to be a Navy SEAL for a while, then i read Lone Suvivor and now i want to be one even more. I know some people on here have probably asked this question before, but is there any way i could get in contact with Marcus through email or a mailing address, I would really love to be able to talk to him, it would mean everything

  266. olivia d on November 24th, 2008 2:28 pm

    Marcus Luttrell is an inspiration to us all especially in these difficult times. He stands above any elected official in integrity. Too bad he didn’t run for President. He’s one man I would trust with my country and my life. My son is in the Navy and will be going to seal training, he read Lone Survivor after he joined the Navy intending to be a seal, this book only confirmed all that he strives for as an American. Thank you Marcus for your courage and your honor. If there is an email address my son could contact him through that would be great.

  267. Nicholas on December 3rd, 2008 9:20 pm

    I missed Marcus Luttrell’s book signing in Florida because I didn’t have a ride there, I want to be a future navy seal and i just wanted to get a few pointers from a superb soldier and hero. Thank you Marcus for your Bravery and valor. If you have the time I would really like to talk to him, an email would be fantastic. If he can’t tell him thanks anyway.

  268. Nicholas on December 3rd, 2008 10:03 pm

    Is that date july 9, 2009, if so I have some family that live in houston, and I would be able to fly to houston to meet Marcus Luttrell, it would be wonderful if you could give me a exact location on that barnes and noble. If the date is july 9, 2009

  269. Russ on December 16th, 2008 3:17 pm

    Have the same question as a few others here…how can I get a booked signed? I’m willing to pay and I don’t have to meet Marcus (although I’d prefer it). I understand he’s busy but my brother gave me his copy of the book to read and I would like to send him a new signed copy to show my appreciation.
    Thanks - Russ

  270. john conyer on December 25th, 2008 3:10 pm

    where can I find your public or paid speaking engagement schedule, I would like to take my son who is 14 years old, thanks

  271. Erin Allen on January 2nd, 2009 9:17 pm

    Unbelievable is all I can say!

    INDIANA LOVES Marcus Luttrell and thank God for men like him……

    Can you tell me if he’s coming to Indiana? I don’t care where in Indiana, we’ll drive.

    Thanks so much!

  272. Nick G. on January 6th, 2009 4:18 pm

    I read Mr. Luttrell’s book over the Christmas holiday and would just like to know if he has an email address where I could write to thank him for what he wrote. I am in the Army, and will be making his book required reading for my platoon so they can learn some things from his book. Who knows, maybe one day it could save one of their lives.

  273. keegan curty on January 9th, 2009 6:44 pm

    will you try to get Marcus in Wisconsin. I am a HUGE fan and would l am enlisting in three years on my 17th birthday for the SEALs. Please, Please try to send him this way and shoot me an email. Thank you.

  274. DONNA ANNE NAPOLI on January 11th, 2009 10:23 pm


  275. Chris Aber on January 20th, 2009 1:48 pm

    I served with Marcus and his brother Morgan and I am currently serving overseas. I spoke to Marcus a while back while I was doing a train-up but can’t seem to get in touch with either him or his brother. If you could possibly pass on my contact email I would greatly appreciate it. I won’t be back in Texas for quite some time so email would be the best way to reach me. Thank-you for your help and also for everything you’ve done for the Luttrell’s. Marcus was, is and will always be that person you meet in your life that stands for what we all strive to be and when that moment comes, most draw back and lose focus, while guys like Marcus overcome and achieve. A true friend and warrior - May God bless all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting for what is right and defending the things we hold so dear.

    Very respectfully,
    Chris A.

  276. Terri on January 22nd, 2009 11:28 am

    @Chris Aber - Chris I’ll pass your information on to Marcus’s dad and have him pass it on to Marcus. Hopefully he or Morgan will get hold of you and you can reconnect. Thanks for your service Chris! We appreciate you!

  277. Greg R. on January 22nd, 2009 3:29 pm

    Hi Terri:
    I just finished reading Marcus’ book. I also couldn’t put it down. Least thing I can do is stay up all night to read it. Marcus and his team endured so much. I can hardly imagine, even with his telling. I would like to email him but I don’t have his address. If you can forward this message to him that would be awesome.

    Marcus -
    I cried reading your story. Several times. Thank you a billion times for being who you are, enduring what you had to, and telling your story - and for sharing it with me - and millions of others. I shared your story with my 10 year old boy who also honors and is amazed at what you have done. I am amazed by what you, Danny, Axe and Michael did on that day. And what you did during the next 6 days. I am ever grateful for you and the SEALS.

    I am able to do what I do in my life only because of what you and others like you are doing and I am ever grateful.

    FYI - I am not a soldier but I am just as much a patriot. and I have a question.

    I was particularly moved by your telling of Sarawa and how he helped you under their rule of lokay. Your story helped me understand more about what is going on in that part of the world. And I’m with you when it comes to doing what has to be done when it comes to war and letting soldiers do it. But I have one question; When the goat herders (or Taliban scouts, as the case may have been) first stumbled upon your original position, and you and your team were making that decision of what to do with them, was it a possibility to knock them out for 48 hours, or something - or was the only options that SEALS have in the ROE under that circumstance to either kill them or set them free?

    I ask as a novice to knowing the ROE, and not being a soldier - but just as supportive to you and the SEALS in getting the job done. I wondered while reading your story if the SEALS are equipped with some type of medication weapon that would knock someone out for 24 hours or so - which might have given you more time to abort the mission or reposition yourselves in the mountains. Perhaps it wouldn’t have mattered in that particular situation, because if the the scouts had gone missing, either dead or in a coma, that fact might have still alarmed the enemy’ to your wherabouts, but I couldn’t help but be curious if there were other options open to SEALS in general, when faced with that type of situation.

    Maybe I think that inducing a coma with meds stuff was an option because I watch too many Hollywood movies. Not sure :)

    I ask this question in the most humility and in the most sincerity - as a civilian who really supports what you and the SEALS have done and are doing all over the world - and just wants to learn more about the options SEALS have when it comes to ROE.

    Thank you again for making America a safer place for me and my family. God bless you and your inspiring family.

    Best -
    Greg R.

  278. Jess on January 27th, 2009 11:33 pm

    If there is anyway that I can speak to Marcus, it would be great! I know someone who would very much like to get in touch with him. Thank you so much.

  279. Gail McDermott on February 1st, 2009 4:52 am

    Is there an address to send mail directly to Marc? This book was very inspiring. I recommend it to everyone at the airport where I work..even though it is now harder to find because airport book shops rotate their top sellers frequently..

  280. Andrew Russell on February 1st, 2009 11:28 pm

    Dear Marcus Luttrell,
    Fantastic, what you did was great. If you could, I would like you to call, email, or visit my nephews. They are in that transition phase and can not figure out what to do yet. I am afraid they are leaning towards, the dark side, which is making me very sad.
    Jeremy(26), Jed(21), and Zack(17),
    19004 Hwy 105
    Cleveland, Texas 77327.

    They live not too far away, from where you grew up. If you can find the time, it would be great if you could visit just to say hello and TELL them about SEALs, I think it will help them stay away from the wrong influences. You obivously have what it takes, and can easily pass this on to them. Do this for my NEPHEWS, you could recruit them to be SEALs just by visiting and talking for a little while.

    Worried Uncle
    Andrew Russell

  281. Dawn Bush (not related to the president, but wish I were) on February 2nd, 2009 6:08 pm

    I just finished the book today and can’t stop thinking about it. The pain of loosing friends/brothers, the physical pain Marcus went through, the thought of “what if that were one of my boys MIA”, the constant thought of “why didn’t the Afghans just clean the Pepsi bottle or boil it, for heavens sake, they had to have smelled it…” ewe.. :)
    I learned so much about the SEALS, things I didn’t understand before reading the book. It made me so proud of our warriors who fight for ME and my family. I can’t tell you the additional amount of respect I have for all the men and women who fight for this country. Thank you for writing this book and telling your story so people like myself can understand better. In addition, I have e-mailed to many friends the importance and need for them to read this book too. God Bless!

  282. Kevin Alexander Heard on February 16th, 2009 9:51 pm

    I am a Native Texan, Sweetwater(1957), 11 year Air Force aviator 82-93, and currently an independent feature film producer 94-present. I would very much like to discuss with Marcus the possibility of writing a script of his book. My business partner is an outstanding writer and we would like to speak with him about our thoughts for a screenplay. We would be happy to meet with him or speak with him under any terms that he might have.



  283. Jared on March 1st, 2009 3:08 pm

    Hi Terri!!

    I have been reading this discussion for about an hour now and im fascinated by the diffferent views, i got the book on release day over here in the UK. And obviously Marcus will not be coming here for book signings!! :(

    But i was curious, would Marcus be happy for me to start up a group on Facebook, paying tributes to the guys of SEAL TEAM TWO!
    I have read it 3 times already, and i have kept up-to-date on everything and even the fact that there are lans for a movie re-creating events of the book!


  284. Phil on March 3rd, 2009 2:02 pm

    Would like to get my copy of “Lone Survivor” autographed. Anybody know how to make contact?


  285. Kim Andrews on March 5th, 2009 11:09 pm

    My son read “Lone Survivior” and it is has inspired him like no other book has. We are so thankful for Marcus Luttrell and the example he sets for young men such as our son. Our son recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and we will be holding an Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony in May 2009. I was wondering if it would be possible for Marcus to send him a letter of commendation for making Eagle Scout? Additionally, I was wondering if we could get my son’s copy of “Lone Survivor” autographed. Any help you can give me would be much appreciated. Thank you.


  286. Larry C. Sandt Jr. on March 14th, 2009 9:45 am

    I too would like my copy of the book autographed as well. I’ve been telling all my friends about this book. You are true patriot Marcus.


  287. Casey! on March 17th, 2009 3:30 pm

    My name is Casey match. I live in salt lake city Utah. Ever since I was in about the seventh grade when I first learned about the navy seals I have always wanted to join and do my part in servings this wonderful country and work along side of the navy seals. Its my dream and life goal to become one of the elite warriors. After reading the lone survivor and about luttrells journey sacrifise for the unite states of America it greatly has inspired me. If anyone knows any way to contact Marcus I would greatly appreciate it! An email a fan forum anything!my email is thank you!

    Reply - thank you!’); return false;”>Quote
  288. Casey! on March 17th, 2009 3:33 pm

    My name is Casey match. I live in salt lake city Utah. Ever since I was in about the seventh grade when I first learned about the navy seals I have always wanted to join and do my part in servings this wonderful country and work along side of the navy seals. Its my dream and life goal to become one of the elite warriors. After reading the lone survivor and about luttrells journey sacrifise for the unite states of America it greatly has inspired me. If anyone knows any way to contact Marcus I would greatly appreciate it! An email a fan forum anything!my email is thank you! I need some inform

    Reply - thank you! I need some inform’); return false;”>Quote
  289. Casey! on March 17th, 2009 3:52 pm

    I need some information! Some training tips. Some advice anything that will help me to make my way through bud/s. Marcus had bully who helped him train for his journey ahead! I need my help! I have questions I have many of wonders about what my future might hold. And I know Marcus is the one to answer them all and to tell me wher my needs of improvement are! Thank you for yoir time please help me.

  290. Darin Young on March 21st, 2009 11:27 pm

    I have just finished the book, I am speechless. The book was unreal. Thanks

  291. jon brodersen on March 22nd, 2009 4:52 pm

    i just finished your book, and i loved it. your story is great and can’t say how much it has influenced me to serve my country. i love the whole book. from your childhood and training to be a seal to fighting in the mountains, i think it is outstanding. i am from dallas texas and a true republican. i just wanted to say that i think every flaming liberal who thinks that the enemy is lovey dovey, should read this book and understand that there are no rules in war, the u.s. just makes them becuase we ARE a civilized country. i completly agree with you about the media and how gay they really are about “killing innocents”. it’s almost as if those who serve in the military are more scared of the u.s. media and the flaming liberals than the enemy. i’ve wanted to be a ranger since i saw the movie saving private ryan, and i will always remember your story and determined you were to never quit. i love that. thanks for writing this book. i hope it has an impact on the american people and with whom we are really dealing with.


  292. Brian McCormick on March 30th, 2009 9:03 pm

    Marcus, I’m not sure if you will ever see this but I’ll say it anyway. I’m a police officer in Louisiana and just finished your book for the second time. My wife almost died last year of liver failure but she got a transplant at the last minute. I think of your battle and your fallen brothers in arms to help me through my tough times - because they don’t get any tougher than yours. Your story and all the names in your book will never leave my memory. You have inspired me to be better prepared on the beat and to become as fit as I can. That way I can come home and care for my wife at the end of each shift guaranteed. Thanks again for telling your story - it’s going to stay with me forever. I wish I could see your cool house! Take care.

  293. Hot News » Marcus Luttrell on April 6th, 2009 2:40 am

    [...] of IT for your business by selecting and developing the right team « IT IN THE TRENCHES…Marcus Luttrell Book Tour : A Soldier’s Mind…The Lone Survivor: Former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell « The BlogTalkRadio Blog… [...]

  294. Leslie Barrett on April 6th, 2009 3:23 pm

    Marcus, my heart is breaking for you. You are America’s hero and for what happened to your beautiful puppy just breaks my heart. I lost my dog last June but I had him for 12 beautiful years. I know the love that grips your heart with the love a beautiful creature. My prayers are with you and your beautiful little four legged girl. I just wish I could lighten the grip of sorrow on your heart. You are a beautiful soul. Please hold strong.

    Leslie Barrett
    Canton, CT

  295. Rhonda Sellers on April 6th, 2009 4:07 pm

    Marcus, I just heard about your beloved DAISY. My heart goes out to you. If you see this or someone that knows you does, please contact me if you would like a german shepherd puppy to help with your loss. I am a breeder of magnificent german shepherds and would consider it an honor to donate one of these extremely loyal, loving protectorst to you.
    You may contact me at

    Reply - ‘); return false;”>Quote
  296. Linda Schou on April 6th, 2009 5:44 pm

    Marcus, I want express my heartfelt sympathy for you during this most difficult time of grief in the loss of your precious little girl, DASY. I understand the incredibly deep connection and love that can be shared between a special human (and you are the most special) and their beloved animal companion. There’s nothing quite like it and unless one has experienced it, it’s hard to share just how deep it runs. DASY is now missed by the nation and we mourn with you. Because DASY’s life blessed you, she blessed us as well.

    God collects every tear and considers them precious.

    Stay strong, America’s hero. You’re in my prayers.
    Linda Schou
    Livonia, Michigan

  297. Lacey Simon on April 6th, 2009 6:24 pm

    My heart goes out to you Marcus. I will contact everyone I can, to help make sure those punks spend as much time in jail as possible. We are praying for you.

  298. Edward McNally on April 7th, 2009 10:01 am

    Thank you for your service. My heart went out to you and your fallen brothers in one of the toughest reads of the many military accounts I have read. I was also shocked at the loss of your lab. You above so many deserved a life without any additional loss, especially one so senseless. I am a member of several hunting retriever communities and would be more than happy to coordinate a puppy for you if/when you are ready. Respectfully,

    Edward T. McNally II

  299. Steve on April 8th, 2009 2:37 pm


    I have a couple of Great Pyrenees pups that are about to be born in the next few days. I know they can’t make up for the senseless loss of your dog but we would like to offer them to you.

    These dogs are built for one purpose. They are turned loose when they are young, into a flock of sheep to imprint on them. To learn who their family is and then protect them from any foe no matter how big and vicious the size. They are given spiked collars to protect their vital throat from bears. They are bread to take on bears.

    The thing is, they are the most gentle of dogs and will not hurt a child. If, however they sense danger against their family, they will go to war till the death to protect what they are watching over. We have them to protect what is most precious to us. Our children.

    You are most welcome to them.

  300. Denise Skonieczny on April 8th, 2009 6:06 pm

    I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved friend and companion, Dasy. Our pups really get into our hearts and their loss can some times be too much to take. Remember that many of us are thinking of you. My hope is that justice will be served on those who did this henious deed.

    Denise Skonieczny

  301. charles mccullough on April 8th, 2009 8:49 pm

    So sad to hear what happened –Terrible-.
    I am looking to get pups out of my golden he is one of a kind Great dog.
    If you want pick of the litter get hold of me N/C.
    I will pay for your airfare here
    and I set you with a place to stay.

    Thank you for your service-you are a true hero!
    again my condulences

  302. Fred A. Scibuola on April 9th, 2009 8:58 am

    Brother Marcus - As a former US Navy Veteran serving between 1962 &1967, I want to commend you on your restraint of not taking those dirt bags out when they inhumanly distroyed your beloved pet “DASY.” I understand what you went through, because during my time I was in similar situations.

    Thank you for your service, God Bless you and may God give your the peace of mind that you deserve.

    May we never forget who we are and what we stood for. God Bless America.


  303. Laurie Woodson on April 9th, 2009 12:37 pm


    Just read about your pup. I know that saying I’m sorry can’t ease your heart, but know that you have touched so many peoples’s hearts and we are all praying that God will give you peace to deal with your loss. As far as the asses who did this, I hope that they get what they deserve. Anyone who hurts animals or kids doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air we do.

  304. Sandy Caruso on April 10th, 2009 10:25 pm

    Marcus, When I started reading your book I couldn’t put it down. It sickened me to realize you had to let those Taliban goatherders walk off or face the wrath of the media , bleeding heart liberals, and congressmen from our OWN country. I’m an ole Army brat, my Dad was in Special Forces, and my 1st husband a chopper pilot who did two tours in Nam. I saw the handwriting on the wall when my Dad fought in Korea, Nam was worse but this war on terror has been fought half-assed since day one. WHY won’t our leaders just let the military go in, GIT IT ON and do its job and come home?. It’s costing us dearly. I believe we should put all the leaders including Algore on a boat and send them to Antarctica to melt the polar ice caps. Now THAT would be global warming. Regarding your precious DASY, there are no words to express the horror we felt when those two hoodlums killed your dog. Please know we pray the Lord will help comfort and heal your heart every day and every night. You are truly a great man and not deserving of so much cruelty. NOW…We have been breeding Hall of Fame Rottweilers for over 30 years. I don’t have a litter due until later this fall but you are welcome to have first pick . We will be honored to pay your airfare and motel bill if you decide. One of our Rottweilers have been featured on Americas Most Wanted twice. This breed is a lot harder to see in the dark incase some other inbred pinheads go on a killin spree. Thank you for your loyalty and service.

  305. Michael VanAmeyden on April 14th, 2009 5:51 pm

    I am not going to be P.C. I would like five minutes alone with those mother fuckers who did that to your dog. The shit you have had to go through is unbelievable! I am sorry for the language but this is from my heart! You are a HERO! I can’t tell you how upset this makes me!! You are strong but that isn’t bringing back your girl. I hope they at least change the law so they can dole out more than the 2 years they MAY get while you endure more heartache. I just can’t tell you how bad I feel for you.

    Battle Creek, MI
    Mike VanAmeyden

  306. Cole Rabon on April 18th, 2009 10:35 pm

    Hey Marcus,

    Don’t know if you’ll read this but if you do first off I want to tell you and all your fallen brothers thank you. I was in navy for 4 yrs tried to go to buds but dropped out because I hadn’t prepared myself properly, but I am in the reserves now and know what I need to do and plan to go again…..and make it. lol I know you’ve been through hell and probably are still going through hell, but I hope you have peace of mind and a happy and productive life. If you ever want to talk or bullshit shoot me a line. hope to hear from ya

    BM2 Rabon

    Reply - hope to hear from ya \r\n\r\nBM2 Rabon’); return false;”>Quote
  307. Trevor Yates on April 26th, 2009 6:29 pm

    Anyone know how I can reach Marcus? I just read his book pretty much in one sitting. Thank you for your patriotism and your dedication to our homeland and to our beautiful Texas!
    I represent a militarty support group for families and my mission is to send supplies to medics who are deployed from Texas. I would love to visit with Marcus about what additional supplies we could send to our Texans who are in harms way. Our mission is relatively new, so I’m still visiting with medics about it all.
    Someone mentioned his publisher for contact in an earlier post? Is that still the case?
    Thank you, Marcus. You and your family are an inspriation to all those who are in the military and/or their staunch supporters. Your demonstrated bravery and dedication to your brothers in arms I’m sure makes you a true blessing to the loved ones around you everyday.

  308. Jeffrey E. Shaw on May 2nd, 2009 8:08 am

    I know that you read hundreds of these today. However, i wanted to thank you for your amazing service and unflinching pride in the USA. I am honored to even think you may read these words. While i know you cannot have your email address all over the internet, if you could email me just a hello and update on your life it would make my year. .
    I literally can’t put into words, or better than have been said, the respect and love i have for you and our SF personnel. May God bless you and always be with your family through all time is my prayer.
    All my love and respect.

    ~Jeffrey E. Shaw
    Jacksonville, FL

    Reply - . \r\n I literally can\’t put into words, or better than have been said, the respect and love i have for you and our SF personnel. May God bless you and always be with your family through all time is my prayer.\r\n All my love and respect.\r\n\r\n~Jeffrey E. Shaw\r\nJacksonville, FL’); return false;”>Quote
  309. Aaron Brewer on May 4th, 2009 8:53 pm


    Thank you for the sacrifice you have made for this great country of ours. I have read your book and also listen to it. I have shared my book with several officers at the department I work for and it has passed through several hands. I have also recommended it to the recruits that have just finished the academy as an inspiration to never quit fighting.

    I am truly sorry for the loss of your dog.

    Thank you for time.

    Ofc. A. Brewer #6949
    Peoria Police Dept. K9 Unit
    Peoria, AZ

  310. Mike Maglier on May 5th, 2009 9:04 am

    To whom it may concern,

    My name is Mike Maglier and I am a permanently disabled City of Rochester NY fire fighter due to work injuries. I served seven years in the millitary and was in Norther Iraq in 1991. I have one nephew that served in Ramadi and another that is between Syria and Mosul at this moment. After working at ground zero and being reunited with a Marine buddy that I had not seen since 1989 this was very personal too me. The book Marcus wrote and the story of his dog being killed brought me to tears. I would like to get two books signed by him for my nephews that served in Iraq. I have no clue how to do this. His sacrifice for all those murdered on Sept 11th will never be forgotten. Can you help me with this wish.


    Nike M.

  311. Bill Pace on May 5th, 2009 8:57 pm


    Thank you for writing that book. I view the world just a little bit different. America needs more men like you in it and a little less liberal hippie fucks.
    If you ever in Phoenix, AZ I would be proud to buy you a beer.

  312. Anthony Buich on May 12th, 2009 12:26 pm

    @David Luttrell - David, good afternoon and thank you for raising such a true American. I am a former professional football player and now I own a fishing charter company (please see the website). I read Marcus’ story and needless to say: unbelievably inspired! It meant so much to me that my friend and I created “Fishing 4 Freedom”, an annual fund-raising event/vacation, where we will take 4 Special Ops Soldiers and their family out Blue Water Big Game Fishing. Our 1st, kicks off this year, June 18th-22nd 2009. I’ve been talking with some of Marcus’ comrades, we can exchange common names later, for this year’s crew. Please contact me ASAP, as I would love to share with you more details and would be HONORED to have Marcus aboard. This will be an amazing 4 day trip to raise awareness for the brave patriots that worked with your son. Final proceeds will go to, an awarded charity in which your family might be aware of.

    You can find my contact information through my websites: or our new site (still being updated)

    God Bless and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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