A Soldier We Should Know About….

April 30, 2007

This story got my attention, as it was about yet another US Soldier, who because of his actions, was recognized and awarded for his efforts by another country. This story just emphasizes the committment, professionalism and dedication of our troops. This story, reminds us once again, how very lucky we are to have such brave men and women serving in our Nation’s Armed Forces.

A US Special Forces soldier was awarded the highest medal that can be given by the German Army to a foreign enlisted soldier. SSG Jonathon A. Zapien, 3rd Special Forces Group from Fort Bragg, NC was presented with the Ehrenmedaille, or Honor Medal in a ceremony in Berlin. Zapien accompanied a special forces unit from Germany from June to October 2005, during missions in southeastern Afghanistan. Zapien is a senior weapons sergeant and acted as a liason between the US and German special forces groups while also engaging the enemy during combat operations.

“They were an exceptional group of soldiers,” Zapien said of his German counterparts. “It was far beyond your average soldier, even a cut above special operations.”

According to John Tomassi, who is a spokesman for the US European Command, Zapien was credite with saving the life of a German soldier, when he called in air and ground medical support during one combat operation.

“On my last rotation, I lost two friends when I was there,” Zapien said. “This really should go more to them.”

“There are a lot of soldiers who on a daily basis, do a lot of things but don’t receive any awards. I’m receiving this on behalf of them.”


One Response to “A Soldier We Should Know About….”

  1. A Soldier’s Mind » New Year 2008: A Time To Reflect & Remember on January 1st, 2008 1:01 am

    [...] told you about how the actions of one of our Soldiers was recognized and awarded by another country’s government, due to events that occurred while he was in Afghanistan, [...]

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