New feature…

April 19, 2006

I have just added a new feature to this blog. I have added a “feeds” section. Listed their you can find RSS feeds from some of my favorite MILBlogs. Feel free to go to the feeds section to preview what is happening at other MILBlogs around the net.

Update: You may have noticed I have also added banner ads to SM. It has never been my intention to turn any sort of profit from this blog.  As SM becomes more popular and I add more features, it becomes increasingly expensive. I will assure you that ANY money made from the ads will go only to support the cost of running SM. Any profit after those costs will be donated to Adopt A Platoon.


One Response to “New feature…”

  1. katpop on April 19th, 2006 8:54 pm

    :grin:thanks for the feeds! i usually just lurk…but thanks

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