New uniform…

March 26, 2006

Well, I finally got around to shelling out the money for a brand new set of ACU’s.  Not really sure how I like them yet.  Monday will be the first day of actually wearing them to work.  I think the people over at Military Clothing thought I had lost my mind when I was “modeling” them in the store.  Anyway I’ll give my opinion on them at the end of the week.


One Response to “New uniform…”

  1. kbug on March 27th, 2006 10:31 pm

    My son loves his ACUs and won’t wear his DCUs anymore. He’s already asked for us to send him some more ACUs before the Iraqi summer heats up. Thank goodness for mail order, that way we won’t have to drive all the way to Ft. Hood to get them. I hope you like them as well as he does….. :)

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